Αγγελή Καρολίνα (2006)

ΟΠΑ-Διεθνών & Ευρωπαϊκών Οικονομικών Σπουδών

Ιδ. Υπάλληλος/Mobile/Digital Marketing


6947497777, karolina.angeli@hotmail.com

Αθανασιάδης Αλέξανδρος (1980)

Technische Univ. Karlsruhe – Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen

Οικονομολόγος Μηχανικός/Σύμβουλος Επιχειρήσεων/Οικονομοτεχνικές Μελέτες

Ελ. Επαγγελματίας

6944507920, athanal@ath.forthnet.gr

Αμεράνης Βασίλης (2008)

Ludwig Maximilian Univ.-Physik, ALBA Grad. Business School-Master of Science in Finance, London Business School-Master in BA

Σύμβουλος Επιχερησεων


2103672735, vasilis.ameranis@gmail.com

Αναπλιώτης Δημήτρης (2006)

Freie Univ. Berlin-B.Sc. Betriebswirtschaftslehre, MSc. Wirtschaftsinformatik

Senior Consultant Financial Services-Capital Markets (Structured Products, Market Regulatory initiatives)

Zürich – EXXETA AG

0041793097570, dimitrios_anapliotis@yahoo.de, dimitrios.anapliotis@exxeta.com

Αντωνετσής Κωνσταντίνος (1991)

ΕΜΠ-Ηλεκ. Μηχ/κος & Μηχ/κος Η/Υ, New York Univ.-MBA

Senior Manager Finance

Olympia Group SA

6974434424, k.antonetsis@gmail.com, www.linkedin.com/in/kanton

Αντωνίου Χρήστος (1986)

Παν. Αθηνών-Οικονομικά, Univ. of Reading (Master) & Univ. of Bradford (PhD)-Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων

Assistant Professor/International Business


00441133434510, ca@lubs.leeds.ac.uk

Γούρας Κωνσταντίνος (1993)

Julius Maximilians Univ.-Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων

Οικονομικός Ελεγκτής

Βρυξέλλες – ΝΑΤΟ

gourask@yahoo.gr, https://be.linkedin.com/in/konstantinos-gouras-17086b11

Κορωναίου Παρασκευή (1980)

ΑΠΘ-Οικονομικό Νομικής. ΠΑΜΑΚ-Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων, ΟΠΑ-Msc HR

Τραπεζικός Υπάλληλος/Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό


6978447777, pkoronaiou@eurobank.gr, koronaiou.evi@gmail.com

Κουβέλη Βάσω (1967)


Υπεύθυνη Γραμματείας


6948203686, grountis@hotmail.com

Κουρέπης Αχιλλέα (1977)

PRATT INSTITUTE -BE Industrial Engineering, MS Computer Science

Οικονομολόγος Μηχανικός

Αντιδήμαρχος Εκάλης και Οικονομικών Δήμου Κηφισιάς

2132140203, 6944312571, kourepis@kifissia.gr

Maracas Dimitri (1977)

American College of Greece – Business Administration

General Managment & Operations


004916090791428, 6949363798, dvmaracas@aol.com

Μισκίας Στέφανος (1983)

Friedrich Alexander Univ. Erlangen-Nuernberg

Diplom Kaufmann-IT (Project Management, Agile Methodologies, Scrum Master (Coach))


6946682773, stefanos.miskias@siemens.com

Μπιλλέσκοβ Αλεξάνδρα (2014)

Copenhagen Business School, IESEG School of Management (Erasmus)

B.Sc., M.Sc. international Business and Politics; Master Grande Ecole

Σύμβουλος Επιχειρήσεων

Κοπεγχάγη – KPMG P/S Δημόσιος Τομέας, Ενέργεια και Υγεία

004521545995, abilleskov@hotmail.com

Παπαμικρούλη Σάντυ (Κυριακή – Ηλιάδα) (2014)

Univ. Mannheim – Wirtschaftsmathematik, Univ. Politecnico di Milano – Int. Master Business Analytics & Big Data,

ΟΠΑ – MSc Financial Management

Data Analyst – Port Analyst


6981518606, sandypappa1996@gmail.com

Schmidt Nikos (1985)

Ruprecht Karls Univ.- Πολιτική Οικονομία

Οικονομολόγος-Σύμβουλος Ανάπτυξης


2103614231, nschmidt@otenet.gr


Αγγελοπούλου Αντωνία (1992)

ΕΜΠ, Μεταπτυχιακό “Δομοστατικός σχεδιασμός και ανάλυση κατασκευών”

Ελ. Επαγγελματίας

2106208129, 6944677632, aangelpoulou@teemail.gr, toniaangelopoulou@yahoo.gr

Γαντές Χάρης (1979)

ΕΜΠ, MIT – Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy in Structural Engineering

Πολιτικός Μηχανικός, Καθ. ΕΜΠ, Μεταλλικές Κατασκευές

2107723440, chgantes@central.ntua.gr, http://users.ntua.gr/chgantes/

Ηλιόπουλος Δημήτρης (1969)

Institute of Technology Karlsruhe

Πολιτικός Μηχανικός, Πραγματογνώμων

Δράση στον πολιτισμό, οργανωτής, κριτικός, συγγραφέας

2106726569, 2106740933, dimitrisiliopoulos2003@yahoo.gr

Θεολογίτης Δημήτρης (1973)

ΕΜΠ – Πολιτικός Μηχανικός Συγκοινωνιολόγος

0032478619465, dimitrios.theologitis@gmail.com

Θεολογίτης Ιωάννης (1974)

Techn. Univ. München, ΕΜΠ, Univ. of London

Οικονομικός τεχνικός σύμβουλος, Consulting, Proj. Management

Ελ. Επαγγελματίας, ΙΜΤΕ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΟΙ ΕΠΕ

2106897151, imt@imte.gr, www.imte.gr

Κατσάνης Παναγιώτης (2000)

Δημοκρίτειο Παν. Θράκης, Hochschule Ostwestfalen Lippe

Πολιτικός Μηχανικός, Επίβλεψη, Ανακαινίσεις

6974194056, linkedin.com/in/panagiotis-katsanis-4908855a

Μουγιάκος Νικόλαος (1997)


Πολιτικός Μηχανικός, ΟΜΕΤΕ Α.Ε.

2103644631, nmougiakos@omete.gr

Μπαστάκη Μαρία (1987)


Πολιτικός Μηχανικός

2106843572, mmpastaki@gmail.com

Ναυπακτίτης Γεώργιος (2001)


Ιδιοκτήτης Τεχνικής & Κατασκευαστικής Εταιρείας

NAFCONSTRUCKTION, Κατασκευή Δημοσίων και Ιδιωτικών έργων

2107790974, george.nafpaktitis@gmail.com

Νικολακοπούλου Γεωργία – Φρίντα (2005)

ΑΤΕΙ Αθήνας – Τοπογραφία και Γεωπληροφορική

Ιδ. Υπάλληλος Τοπογράφος Μηχανικός


6975208013, georgia.dakon.ae@gmail.com

Ορφανός Αριστείδης (1968)

Παολυτεχνική Σχολή ΑΠΘ

Συνταξιούχος Πολιτικός Μηχανικός

6945979748, arisorf@gmail.com

Παυλόπουλος Στυλιανός (1977)

Univ. Hannover

Πολιτικός Μηχανικός, Δομοστατικός, Ελ. Επαγγελματίας

6944868762, spavlo@teemail.gr; https://www.linkedin.com/in/stelios-pavlopoulos-6188b3a5/

Σαββίδης Σταύρος, Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. (1962)

ΕΜΠ, Technische Univ.Berlin

Ομότιμος Καθ. Technische Univ. Berlin (Grundbau, Bodenmechanik, Bodendynamik, tunnelbau)

Ιδιοκτήτης γραφείου



Αθανασόπουλος Γεώργιος (1983)


Ελεύθερος Επαγγελματίας

2107715839, 6975815101, joathana@tee.gr

Βονάτσος Εμμανουήλ (1975)

RWTH Aachen

Ελ. Επαγγελματίας Αρχιτέκτων – Τεχνικός Σύμβουλος

6947422492, mvonatsos@gmail.com

Γιάκας Αθανάσιος (1972)

T.U. Hannover

Ελ. Επαγγελματίας

2106827832, 6944305432, agiak@tee.gr

Λιακόπουλος Άρης Παντελής (1990)

Rheinisch-Westfällische Technische Hochschule, RWTH Aachen

Ιδιοκτήτης γραφείου – Μελέτη διαχείριση κτιρίων και πολεοδομικής

2106230102, liakopoulos@aliasarchitects.com, www.aliasarchitects.com

Μητροπούλου Χριστίνα (1997)

TH Karlsruhe


2108088841, christina.mitropoulou@arishellas.com

Παναγούλη Αργυρώ (1991)



Μελέτη δημόσιων και ιδιωτικών κτηριακών έργων ακι υπαίθριων χώρων, βιοκλιματικός σχεδιασμός, επαναχρησιμοποίηση

2102382359, 6972032535, apanagouli@hotmail.com

Σφαέλλου Ελευθερία (1997)

Univ. Karlsruhe

Ελ. επαγγελματίας

2106772060, 6974112231, sfaellou@gmail.com, www,sfaellou_lentoudi.gr


Χατζηπαναγιώτου Στυλιανός (1976)

Ιατρική Σχολή ΕΚΠΑ, Göttingen, Würzburg

Ιατρός Βιοπαθολόγος, Κλινικός Μικροβιολόγος, Αναπλ. Καθ. Βιοπαθολογικού εργαστηρίου “Αιγινήτειου” Νοσ/μείου

6977219968, 2107219860, schatzi@med.uoa.gr, schatzipa@gmail.com


Consultant Researcher (EU funded projects)

[Engineering, sciences, Environment, Economics, Social Sciences or other relevant business/policy fields]

(Code: CR-EU-0920)


We are looking for consultant researchers to join our team and contribute to the implementation of EU funded projects and to the development of proposals for new projects in the areas of territorial cooperation, education & training, and research & innovation. Positions are open to applicants at junior, associate or senior levels.


The consultant researcher is drafting reports and/or project proposals as the company’s contractual and development obligations require. The selected collaborators should be capable to draft bids, studies, surveys, analyses, policy action plans, needs and requirement analyses, educational resources, etc. Day-to-day activities include a combination of the following items (with more senior applicants being expected to work autonomously and more junior ones with the support and guidance of more experienced colleagues):

 Contribution to the research design of the project deliverables and proposals.

 Carrying out empirical research and documentation for the analysis work.

 Design data collection (e.g. questionnaires, case studies) and conduct appropriate statistical and content analysis.

 Produce analysis and draft deliverables relying on the empirical research carried out.

 Explain and analyse complex concepts destined for decision makers in a structured, clear and precise language.

 Contribute to company functions related to the management of R&D projects, coordination of European research consortia, and reporting to funding authorities.

Candidate profile:

 Graduate, with post graduate interdisciplinary qualifications that preferably include engineering, sciences, economics, social sciences or other relevant business/policy fields. A PhD will be considered a strong asset.

 At least 3 years fulltime consulting or research experience in a field relevant to the company’s areas of activity. Greater experience is welcome and would be considered an advantage.

 Excellent written communication skills in English and Greek.

 Ability and inner interest to learn new subject matters and to acquire new knowledge.

 Ability to prioritise, organise and process large amounts of complex information under short deadlines.


 Competitive remuneration.

 Permanent, full time positions.

 Opportunities for significant career development and coordination functions in a growing company.

 Work in a growing, creative and rewarding small business environment.

 Collaborative team, sharing culture, engagement in a collective way of work.

 Work with major companies, research organisations and administrations from across the EU.

 Private medical & life ins

Send CV and cover letter by quoting vacancy code to: info@exelia.gr


Senior Project Manager / Project Manager (EU funded projects)

Engineering, Sciences, Environment, Economics or Social Sciences majors

(Code: SPM/PM-EU-08-2020)


We are looking for project managers to join our growing team and contribute to the management of EU funded projects in territorial cooperation / education & training / research & innovation areas.


Represent the company and manage the implementation of international contracts of research and territorial cooperation projects worth 0.5-2 million Euros. Day-to-day tasks include a combination of the following items (with senior PMs being able to manage and lead independently while PMs would be working with the support and guidance of an experienced colleague):

 Coordinate contract implementation ensuring adherence to quality standards & programme rules.

 Be in charge of communication with partners and organise work meetings, workshops, dissemination events ensuring timely production of deliverables.

 Communicate with and report to funding authorities on project activity and financial progress.

 Coordinate with internal and external contributors to ensure the implementation of project work.

 Develop or contribute to project deliverables and actions.

 Contribute to the setting up follow up projects collaborating with the business development team.

Candidate profile required:

 3+ years of experience for Project Manager or 5+ years of experience for Senior Project Manager.

 University degree and postgraduate qualifications.

 Experience in EU funded programmes, ideally for territorial cooperation or Education & Training or proven experience with service and/or knowledge industries.

 Excellent communication skills in English.

 Knowledge of project related financial rules and procedures will be considered a substantial asset.

 Team player, organised, flexible and able to multi-task.

 Detail-oriented, focused, reliable, capable of taking initiatives.


 Competitive remuneration.

 Permanent, full time position.

 Opportunities for significant career development and coordination functions in a growing company.

 Work in a growing, creative and rewarding small business environment.

 Collaborative team, sharing culture, engagement in a collective way of work.

 Work with major companies, research organisations and administrations from across the EU.

 Frequent (post-covid) international travelling (4-8 trips per year).

 Private medical & life insurance scheme.

CV and cover letter by quoting vacancy code to: info@exelia.gr


Από εταιρεία του εξωτερικού , με υποκατάστημα στην Ελλάδα, για την κατασκευή , διαχείριση και εκμετάλλευση μεγάλου κατασκευαστικού έργου, ζητείται, άτομο με αρίστη γνώση των Γερμανικών και με καλή γνώση της Αγγλικής γλώσσας.

Σκοπός της συνεργασίας είναι να μεταφράζει από Ελληνικά σε Γερμανικά τις προφορικές και γραπτές συζητήσεις και διαφορά έγγραφα, που αφορούν την εταιρεία, υποστηρίζοντας μεταφραστικά τον Διευθύνοντα σύμβουλο και τους συνεργάτες του.

Επίσης θα είναι παρών σε όλες τις ιδιωτικές και δημοσιές παρουσίες – συζητήσεις του και θα ακολουθεί όπου είναι απαραίτητο, για την ανωτέρω μεταφραστική συνεργασία του.

Η εργασία αυτή απαιτεί εντός και εκτός γραφείου την παρουσία του.

Πρέπει να είναι συνεπές και εχέμυθο άτομο (άνδρας ή γυναίκα).

Το περιβάλλον που θα εργάζεται, είναι ιδιαίτερα πολιτισμένο και φιλικό.

Εάν διαθέτετε τα παραπάνω ζητούμενα, αναμένουμε το βιογραφικό σας, στο μεηλ, EPRESORT@GMAIL.COM , σύντομα και με ειλικρίνεια.


Fiber Optics Project Engineer – German Speaker (Full-time, Germany)

Apply now for the role of Fiber Optics Project Engineer and be a part of the fiber optics & 5G network evolution in Europe!

In Phoenix Engineering you will find a flexible and modern work environment, while encountering the latest technology trends and challenges of the telecommunications industry.

You will be responsible for:

-Surveying and planning of network expansions and connections of end-subscribers

-Supervision of fiber optic network deployment activities

-Delivery of the required technical documentation

-Reaching the daily/monthly production targets

To qualify for the role, you must have:

-Bachelor’s Degree in engineering, telecommunications, or another related technical field

-Very good command of the German language

-Good leadership, interpersonal & problem-solving skills

-Ability to perform in a multitasking & fluid environment

-EU driver’s license

Ideally, you ’ll also have:

-1 to 3 years of working experience in the telecommunications industry

-Proven leadership record of a small team

-Awareness of project management and IMS and reporting tools

What we offer

-Competitive remuneration package

-Opportunities to develop new skills and progress your career

-Continuous training and education programs

-Attractive benefits scheme

For more information/applications, please contact: hr@phoenixen.com


Stellenanzeige „Sachbearbeiter digitale Auftragserfassung“, deutschsprachig.

Unsere Firma, mit Sitz in ASPROPIRGOS, ist Teil eines namhaften deutschen Herstellers in der metallverarbeitenden Industrie. Wir betreuen jährlich ca 2000 Geschäftskunden und wickeln mehrere tausende Kundenaufträge ab.

Aufgrund der aktuellen und zukünftig zu erwartender Ausweitung im digitalen Bereich, suchen wir zur sofortigen Einstellung, engagierte Mitarbeiter/-in im „Team Digital“, dass dem Fachbereich „Marketing“ unterstellt ist.

Nach einer 2-3-monatigen fachspezifischen Ausbildung und Einarbeitung in Deutschland, erfolgt die Ausführung der Tätigkeit vor Ort in Griechenland.


  • Nachverfolgung im ERP System AS400 von digital eingehenden Kundenaufträgen (über unsere Plattformen tuulo und EDI)
  • Telefonische und schriftliche Betreuung von Kunden, zum Status ihrer Aufträge und Beantwortung von Rückfragen
  • Eingabe und Pflege von Produktstammdaten, erfassen von beschreibenden Texten, Zuordnung von Zeichnungen, Bildern, etc. zu Produkten
  • Reklamationserfassung,-Bearbeitung und -Abschluss im AS400 (Nebentätigkeit)

Ihre Qualifikation

  • Perfektes Deutsch in Wort und Schrift (Kenntnisse sind nachzuweisen falls nicht Muttersprachler)
  • Interesse an der Arbeit mit unterschiedlichen EDV und Software Systemen (Datenbanken)
  • Reisebereitschaft für die Einarbeitung und Weiterschulungen ich Deutschland
  • Bereitschaft sich in neue Aufgaben einzuarbeiten und Interesse an technischen Produkten
  • Nach erfolgter Einarbeitung eigenverantwortliche Arbeitsweise
  • Teamgeist (gemeinsam als Team neue Herausforderungen anzunehmen und zielgerichtet umzusetzen)
  • Abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung, sicherer Umgang mit Office und Outlook
  • Erfahrung als Sachbearbeiter, und/oder 2-3 jährige Berufserfahrung in Kundenbetreuung zählen als zusätzliche Vorteile

Was wir anbieten:

  • Angemessene Vergütung gemäß Qualifikation und Erfahrung
  • Fachspezifische Weiterbildung
  • Eigenverantwortliche Arbeit mit umgehend einsehbaren Ergebnissen
  • Vereinbarkeit von Berufs- und Privatleben durch geregelte Arbeitszeiten und ges. vorgeschriebenen Urlaubsanspruch

Anzeige Ref. DIG082020

Bei Interesse schicken Sie bitte Ihre Bewerbung an papanikolaou@gutmann.de unter Angabe der o.g Referenz


IMERYS is a world leader in creating specialty solutions that improve everyday life through minerals. Our success is built on our people, and creating an environment where our 17,800 employees around the globe can thrive.

IMERYS Shared Services Center Europe

Imerys reshapes its financial function, by creating Shared Service Centers (SSC) at a regional level. We are seeking accounting professionals to join the newly established SSC for Europe, based in Athens, Greece that will provide services and support to our legal entities within 14 European countries.

We offer opportunity to work in a structured multinational, experience in a best in class and performance driven Finance organization, international exposure, knowledge of new automated processes & tools as well as opportunities for development via internal moves and exposure to new challenges

We are currently recruiting Accounts Payable Associate Accountants with German language skills

Job Purpose

Responsible for the day-to-day processing as a member of the Accounts Payable Team using automated tools like Basware and ERPs to process vendor invoices

Main Accountabilities

  • Book invoices and check versus order and goods / services receipt
  • Process travel and expenses reimbursements
  • Obtain payment approval, prepare payment runs, post payments to general ledger accounts
  • Resolve vendor invoices discrepancies and related inquiries
  • Evaluate and review accounts payable balances, including accounts analysis and review of cash disbursements
  • Process accounts payable adjustments for errors or omissions
  • Monitor purchase orders and prepare accruals for month and year end closing
  • Make recommendations for process improvement
  • Develop specialist skills with respect to strategic suppliers
  • Maintain vendor masterdata

Candidate Profile


  • Bachelors in Accounting, Finance or Business
  • Relevant experience according to the role 0-3years
  • Advanced Excel skills
  • Experience with ERPs (experience with SAP will be a plus)
  • Fluent English speaker (C1/C2)
  • Conversant in German

Soft Skills and Abilities

  • Hands-on attitude
  • Good communication skills
  • Problem solving
  • Resilience
  • IT Savviness, i.e. willingness to learn and/or experience with new systems & tools
  • Customer service orientation

Interested candidates should send their CV in English to



Location: Athens

Who we are:

Artemis ITS is a rapidly growing company specializing mainly in the installation of fixed and mobile telecom networks. The company was established in Greece in 2008, and in 2014 the entrepreneurial activity was extended in Romania. By the end of 2016, the company expanded in Germany. Today, Artemis Group occupies 600 employees and provides services in Central and Eastern Europe.

The position:

We are looking for a full time Suppliers Coordinator with experience in the field of Logistics/Supply Chain Management

The position reports to: Procurement Director

Candidate profile:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering
  • Excellent command of the English language
  • Excellent command of the German language
  • Proficient use of Office Suite
  • Strong organizational and communication skills
  • Strong work ethic, eager person to take on responsibitily

Key Responsibilities:

  • Explore new potential suppliers
  • Verifies the qualifications of suppliers and evaluate their performance
  • Negotiate with suppliers
  • Make evaluations based on prices, payment terms, quality, logistics, delivery time etc
  • Make buying decisions and negotiate terms of contracts.
  • Give feedback to suppliers for their performance

What we offer:

  • Competitive remuneration Package
  • Excellent growth and advancement opportunities
  • Friendly and modern working environment

All CVs will be treated with strict confidentiality ((hr-de@artemis-its.com).


Job Title: German Inside Sales Representative

Why to be part of our team

Are you looking for a global company to join, to build on your talent and grow your skills?

At Salescode, we provide sales outsourcing services for the software industry globally. Our more than 4,000 experts worldwide provide services based on our cutting-edge Salescode Engine to outperform customer expectations and drive revenue. Join our team in the fast-paced software sales business. Our main hubs are Athens (Greece), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Nuremberg (Germany) and Houston, TX (USA).

Our customer is a global leader in the rapidly expanding market, who is automating service and contract renewals for IT companies. You will connect with stakeholders at multiple levels within the organization to help them drive revenue and profits using an automation software.


  • Work with global technology organizations as a B2B Inside Sales Representative
  • Responsible for the identification of new opportunities
  • Initiate the sales cycle across medium & large multi-national clients
  • In charge of creating & acquiring new customers in a defined area
  • In charge of the pipeline management & forecast for your set of accounts


  • Ideally 2-3 years of experience in selling software or IT products & services
  • Ability to create strong relationships in B2B situations
  • Native level in German & B2 in English
  • A high school degree
  • Self-starter attitude
  • Good interpersonal & team-working skills


  • Permanent contract in an exponentially growing international company
  • 2 extra salaries per year
  • Competitive monthly salary
  • Monthly sales incentives available to expand your earnings
  • Human resources development program for all the employees
  • On-boarding training plan & mentoring program for the new starters
  • Strong team spirit & great working atmosphere
  • Direct & open communication
  • Centrally located office in Athens

Joining Salescode, you will support our commitment to social responsibility. We prioritize 20% of our profits into our company owned organizations such as:

  • Rhino-force.org: providing environmental protection for an endangered species
  • Kids-family.org: taking care of children without parents in Poland and India, turning their shelters into homes.

Visit us on LinkedIn!

Join our Team! Apply now by clicking on https://salescode.io/en/career/6431


German Customer Service Representative

Work4u is searching, on behalf of a client in technical industry, for a talented individual that will work as German Customer Service Representative.

Role Responsibilities:

· Communicating with customers in order to schedule an appointment to activate their connection

· Monitoring technical crew availability

· Updating daily the company’s database with the corresponding data


  • Excellent command of the German language(C2)
  • Excellent communication skills in German written and oral speech
  • Very good use of MS Office Suite
  • Target oriented
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Ability to work in a dynamic environment


· Competitive salary

· Fixed working schedule – Monday to Friday 10:00-18:00 and one Saturday per month

· Private medical program

· Professional laptop and mobile phone

· Coverage of monthly public transport card

· Excellent working environment

If you are interestedin this job position, pleasesendusyourCVby clicking on“Apply” button https://work4u.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id=74


Ιατρική Εταιρεία η οποία δραστηριοποιείται στο χώρο της οφθαλμολογίας με 15ετή παρουσία, 3 ιατρεία σε Αθήνα και Πειραιά, 20 άτομα προσωπικό και άδεια μονάδας ημερήσιας νοσηλείας αναζητά εκτελεστικό διευθυντή. Θα εκτιμηθεί προϋπηρεσία στη διοίκηση υγειονομικών μονάδων και στη διαχείριση προσωπικού. Παρέχονται ανταγωνιστικά κίνητρα παραγωγικότητας. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες απευθυνθείτε με ηλεκτρονικό μήνυμα στο athensvisioneyeinstitute@gmail.com αποστέλλοντας συνοπτικό βιογραφικό σημείωμα.


AP Associate – German Speaker

Accounts payable associate is responsible for all aspects of recording, processing, and reconciling accounts payable invoices.


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Finance required, or an equivalent combination of education and experience.
  • Extensive knowledge about accounting and management principles and Accounts Payable procedures
  • 1-3 years of accounting experience
  • Fluency in German; knowledge of other European languages will be an asset
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Strong competency for customer service in the professional services industry required.
  • Proficiency with computers, especially business solutions and bookkeeping software.
  • Travelling availability

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Process and input invoice records into the accounting system promptly and accurately.
  • Answer inquiries about payments and invoices from vendors
  • Keep records of financial transactions, balance the books, and perform account reconciliation
  • 3-Way full cycle AP
  • High volume invoice processing
  • Update new and current vendor master data
  • Assist with month-end closing
  • Review employee expense reports
  • Coordinate with the vendors to solve any arising issue, e.g. pricing and shipping discrepancies


Job Description

Are you an excellent user of both German and French, looking for the chance to jump start your career into an industry leading organization? We are seeking a talented bilingual German – French Master Data Administrator with superior communication skills in both languages and a basic knowledge of accounting to join the innovative project of our client, a newly established Accounting Shared Services center.

In this role, you will provide support to business while interacting with customers all over Germany and France. The position is full time and permanent, based in Kifisia, Attica.


The company will offer ​the following benefits to the selected German – French Master Data Administrator:

  • Plenty of opportunities to evolve your career within an attractive and dynamic environment
  • Attractive benefits package
  • Friendly working environment
  • Shuttle bus service


In this role as a German – French Master Data Administrator you will be asked to:

  • Establish and maintain effective customer relationships through understanding of their needs, answering queries and the provision of high – quality services
  • Regular report connected with vendors’ inquiries
  • Communicate daily with internal financial departments
  • Support the process of submitting Travel & Expense claims by the internal customers
  • Create and maintain Master Data in ERP according to the company procedures and standards
  • Support business users through the resolution of Master Data Issues / Queries


In order for your profile to match the German – French Master Data Administrator position, you need to have the following skills:

  • Excellent command in German and French
  • Fluency in English language
  • University Degree in Economics, Business Administration or other related subject or in process of obtaining one, would be considered a plus
  • Previous customer service experience is highly desired
  • Very good knowledge of Excel, ERP systems, databases, would be considered a plus
  • Attention to details

For more information: https://bit.ly/2XN7NW2


Περιγραφή Θέσης- Εξυπηρέτηση Πελατών στα Γερμανικά – Εργασία από το σπίτι

Μιλάτε Γερμανικά; Διαθέτετε εξαιρετικό επίπεδο Γερμανικών & διακρίνεστε για τις επικοινωνιακές σας δεξιότητες; Σας χαρακτηρίζει η υπομονή, η ευγένεια & η προσαρμοστικότητα;

Αν μιλάτε απταίστως την Γερμανική γλώσσα & αναζητάτε εργασία στην οποία θα μπορέσετε άμεσα να προσληφθείτε δουλεύοντας από το σπίτι τη δύσκολη αυτή περίοδο, τότε η ευκαιρία αυτή είναι ακριβώς αυτό που αναζητάτε.


Το πακέτο που προσφέρει για τη θέση Εξυπηρέτηση Πελατών στα Γερμανικά – Εργασία από το σπίτι περιλαμβάνει :

  • Ανταγωνιστικός μισθός (14 μισθοί ετησίως)
  • Μηνιαία bonus απόδοσης
  • Εντατική και επί πληρωμή τηλ-εκπαίδευση
  • Πλήρη εξοπλισμό για τη δυνατότητα εργασίας από το σπίτι
  • Προοπτικές εξέλιξης μέσα στην εταιρεία
  • Ιδιωτική ασφάλιση
  • Άμεση πρόσληψη


Στην Εξυπηρέτηση Πελατών στα Γερμανικά – Εργασία από το σπίτι, οι κύριες αρμοδιότητες σας θα είναι:

  • Να λειτουργείτε ως η πρώτη γραμμή εξυπηρέτησης για όλους τους Γερμανόφωνους πελάτες
  • Να απαντάτε στα εισερχόμενα αιτήματα μέσω εισερχομένων κλήσεων, online chats & emails
  • Να παρέχετε εξαιρετική ποιότητα εξυπηρέτησης & καθοδήγησης
  • Να επιλύετε τεχνικά & μη προβλήματα


Για το ρόλο Εξυπηρέτηση Πελατών στα Γερμανικά – Εργασία από το σπίτι, χρειάζονται τα παρακάτω:

  • Εξαιρετική γνώση Γερμανικών
  • Επαρκής κατανόηση της Αγγλικής γλώσσας μιας και η εκπαίδευση διδάσκεται στα Αγγλικά
  • Σύνδεση στο διαδίκτυο (WiFi) σε συγκεκριμένη ταχύτητα & εξοικείωση με την τεχνολογία
  • Ανεπτυγμένες επικοινωνιακές & ακουστικές δεξιότητες

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες δείτε εδώ: https://bit.ly/3caVOGV


Fiber Optics Project Engineer (Full-time, Germany)

Apply now for the role of Fiber Optics Project Engineer and be a part of the fiber optics & 5G network evolution in Europe!

In Phoenix Engineering you will find a flexible and modern work environment, while encountering the latest technology trends and challenges of the telecommunications industry.

You will be responsible for:

-Surveying and planning of network expansions and connections of end-subscribers

-Supervision of fiber optic network deployment activities

-Delivery of the required technical documentation

-Reaching the daily/monthly production targets

To qualify for the role, you must have:

-Bachelor’s Degree in engineering, telecommunications, or another related technical field

-Very good command of the German language

-Good leadership, interpersonal & problem-solving skills

-Ability to perform in a multitasking & fluid environment

-EU driver’s license

Ideally, you ’ll also have:

-1 to 3 years of working experience in the telecommunications industry

-Proven leadership record of a small team

-Awareness of project management and IMS and reporting tools

What we offer

-Competitive remuneration package

-Opportunities to develop new skills and progress your career

-Continuous training and education programs

-Attractive benefits scheme

For more information/applications, please contact: hr@phoenixen.com


Customer Support Specialist – German Speaker (Full-time, Athens, Greece)

Apply now for the role of Customer Support Specialist – German Speaker and be a part of the fiber optics & 5G network evolution in Europe, while working in a modern and flexible environment.

You will be responsible for:

-Conducting scheduling calls for field engineers & technician teams

-Updating and reporting of your daily activity

-Routing calls to appropriate resources, if needed

-Reaching personal and team performance targets

-Maintaining a professional approach towards the customer

To qualify for the role, you must have:

-University degree or equivalent

-Proficient command of the German language

-Excellent interpersonal & communication skills

-Very good knowledge of the MS Office platform

Ideally, you ’ll also have:

-Prior working experience in the customer support sector

– Ability to work Saturdays

-Excellent command of the English language

What we offer

-Competitive remuneration package (incl. bonus scheme)

-Opportunities to develop new skills and progress your career

-Continuous training programs

For more information/applications, please contact: hr@phoenixen.com


Μέσα από τη σελίδα “DSA-die Ehemaligen” πληροφορηθήκαμε ότι ο συμμαθητής μας Νίκος Μίκος (1975) έχασε τη ζωή του σε δυστύχημα την Κυριακή 17.5.20. Η κηδεία του θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Πέμπτη 21 Μαΐου και ώρα 11.00 π.μ. στο Α΄Νεκροταφείο.Θερμά συλλυπητήρια στους οικείους του.


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