Προσφέρουν εργασία

Deutsch – Kundenberater

(Vollzeit / Teilzeit) ref: 069808

Webhelp ist ein globaler Business Process Outsourcer (BPO), der sich neben Vertriebs- und Marketingdienstleistungen über Sprach-, soziale und digitale Kanäle auf Customer Experience und Zahlungsmanagement in 35 Ländern mit einem 50.000-köpfigen Team spezialisiert hat.

Wir arbeiten mit einigen der weltweit fortschrittlichsten Marken zusammen, darunter Sky, Shop Direct, Bouygues, KPN, Vodafone, La Redoute, Michael Kors, Valentino und Adidas.

Das Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Paris, Frankreich, hat in den letzten 4 Jahren seinen Umsatz um mehr als 250% gesteigert, indem es in seine Mitarbeiter, die Umgebung, in der sie arbeiten, und seine Analyse- und Betriebskapazität investiert hat, um ein transformatives Outsourcing-Angebot zu liefern, das den Herausforderungen einer Omni-Channel-Welt gerecht wird.

Webhelp ist seit März 2016 im Besitz des Managements und von KKR, einer weltweit führenden Investmentfirma.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.webhelp.com


Ein Kundenbetreuungsberater fungiert als Verbindungsperson, liefert Produkt- / Serviceinformationen und löst alle aufkommenden Probleme, mit denen unsere Kunden konfrontiert sind, mit Genauigkeit und Effizienz. Ziel ist es, exzellente Servicestandards und eine hohe Kundenzufriedenheit zu gewährleisten.


• Beantwortung eingehender Anrufe / Email Kontakte

• Kundenbedürfnisse identifizieren und behandeln und genaue und vollständige Informationen erteilen

• Registrierung der Arbeitsabläufe in CRM Tools

• Befolgen der Kommunikationsverfahren und Richtlinien


• Nachgewiesene Erfahrung im Kundensupport oder als Kundendienstmitarbeiter ist ein Vorteil, aber nicht erforderlich

• Muttersprache / Nahezu Muttersprache in Deutsch und gute Englischkenntnisse

• Gute MS Office-Kenntnisse

• Starke Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit Telefonkontakten und aktives Zuhören

• Kundenorientierung und Fähigkeit zur Anpassung / Reaktion auf verschiedene Arten von Charakteren

• Hervorragende Kommunikations- und Präsentationsfähigkeiten

• Multitasking, Priorisierung und effektive Zeitverwaltung

Das Unternehmen bietet

• Ausgezeichnetes Vergütungspaket, 14 Monatgehälter, Bonusregelung

• priv. Krankenversicherung nach 3 monatigem Dienstverband

• Unbegrenzter Arbeitsvertrag, bezahltes Training und Einarbeitungs Periode

• Möglichkeiten für eine internationale Karriere durch das WEBHELP International Mobility-Programm

• Ein herausforderndes Arbeitsumfeld im Zentrum von Athen, leicht zu erreichen mit Metro

Warum sollten Sie sich bewerben

Unsere Kunden suchen nach Teams aus intelligenten und vielfältigen Mitarbeitern, die in einem brandneuen Contact Center arbeiten. Die Teams sind vollständig mehrsprachig und Sie arbeiten in einer wirklich internationalen Organisation und einem Team. Möchten Sie eine Karriere in einem neuen multinationalen, schnell wachsenden Unternehmen in Griechenland aufbauen? Möchten Sie für ein innovatives, technologieorientiertes Unternehmen arbeiten? Wenn Sie diese beiden Fragen mit `JA` beantworten, warten wir auf Ihre Bewerbung!


Wenn Sie sich angesprochen fühlen, unserem Team beizutreten, senden Sie bitte Ihren Lebenslauf mit Vermerk 069808 an: hantoniuk@gr.webhelp.com oder online https://bit.ly/30ANbjy, Info: Hans Peter Antoniuk, Tel.: 693 07 07 000

Nach der Prüfung der Bewerbungen werden wir die Bewerber kontaktieren, die die Anforderungen des Profils erfüllen, um ein Vorstellungsgespräch bei uns zu vereinbaren.


WEBHELP sieht Vielfalt in Kultur als Ressource und ermutigt alle Menschen unabhängig von Geschlecht, Alter, Religion und ethnischer Zugehörigkeit, sich unserem Unternehmen anzuschliessen.


Δικηγορική Εταιρία με έδρα στο κέντρο της Αθήνας, αναζητεί μόνιμη συνεργασία με νέο/α Δικηγόρο με αντικείμενο το αστικό και εμπορικό δίκαιο. Απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση η άριστη γνώση της Αγγλικής γλώσσας και ιδανικά και της Γερμανικής γλώσσας. Ιδανικό περιβάλλον εργασίας με δυνατότητες επαγγελματικής ανέλιξης. Αποστολή βιογραφικών στο e-mail: info@vaplaw.eu.


Δικηγορική Εταιρία με έδρα στο κέντρο της Αθήνας, αναζητεί μόνιμη συνεργασία με ασκούμενο/η Δικηγόρο για ουσιαστική άσκηση με αντικείμενο το αστικό και εμπορικό δίκαιο. Απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση η άριστη γνώση της Αγγλικής γλώσσας και ιδανικά και της Γερμανικής γλώσσας. Ιδανικό περιβάλλον εργασίας με δυνατότητες επαγγελματικής ανέλιξης. Αποστολή βιογραφικών στο e-mail: info@vaplaw.eu.


German Customer Experience Agent

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Are you an extremely fluent German speaker with good knowledge of English? Do you have a customer service mindset and knowledge of computers? Would you like to experience the lifestyle of Athens, Greece?

Well, if you’ve said yes to all of the above, I think that it’s time for you to apply! Apply now and provide an exceptional performance as a German Customer Experience Agent.

What our client offers to German Customer Experience Agent: ● Excellent salary (14 salaries per year) ● First class ongoing training and development ● Career development opportunities ● Relocation package in case you reside outside of Greece ● You will join a multinational market leading call centre company ● Work in a vibrant and energetic Athens office with a real team focus ● Free Greek language lessons ● Multicultural and modern working environment ● Onsite canteen and casual dress code ● Employee relations team to assist you with integrating to the Greek lifestyle & culture ● Fun interactive activities organised within the team (team events, excursions, themed parties, sporting events, etc ● and much, much more

Tasks of a German Customer Experience Agent: ● Act as the first point of contact for all German callers ● Respond and record customer inquiries raised through inbound calls ● Maintain solid customer relationships with German customers abroad by handling questions with speed and professionalism ● Troubleshoot and resolve common technical problems ● Delight customers with your knowledge and expertise in order to exceed their expectations

Requirements of a German Customer Experience Agent include: ● Be familiar with high-tech gadgets and customer service ● Speak German to native standard and English at a very good level ● Have communicative and outgoing personality ● Strong interpersonal skills, verbal and written communication skills and most importantly empathy

If the characteristics of the position German Customer Experience Agent sounds like you or someone you know, we want to hear from you today! Apply online by clicking the “Apply now” button!

Have some questions first? Feel free to contact our multilingual unit at multilingual@randstad.gr or at +30 2106770523.

Please note that for transparency and equity reasons, only those applications made online via our site will be assessed. After the screening of all the CVs received, we will only contact the candidates who meet the requirements of the job to arrange an interview. ​ All applications are considered strictly confidential.


German Recruiter

Are you native German professional ready to take your career to the next level? Are you driven and a self-starter looking to expand your career in inside sales and account management? We want to hear from you!

Our client combines people and technology with main goal to transform the way business owners get the service level they need to function and grow. We are now looking for a German Inside Sales Representative, who will focus on a set of new accounts within the respective country and launch new partnerships.

What our client offers to German Inside Sales Representative: ● A secure job in an exponentially growing international company ● Competitive salary and bonus scheme ● Indefinite contract from Day1 ● Stable working hours Mo-Fr ● Two extra salaries per year ● Public health insurance ● A unique opportunity to be part of the founding team in Greece

Tasks of a German Inside Sales Representative: ● Generate new business opportunities and manage pipelines. ● Cold calling to approach new prospects/accounts. ● Actively creating new sales for products and associated services and solutions as well as follow up on existing leads to pursue them until closure. ● Develop End Customer knowledge, capture customer contacts in CRM and customer profiling in associated tools. ● Build customer confidence, drive sales from qualification.

Requirements of a German Inside Sales Representative include: ● Native level in German among with advanced English knowledge ● Ability to identify customer needs and resolve issues. ● Results oriented, highly organized. ● Team player, ability to collaborate effectively in an international, multicultural environment, and think outside the box. ● Tech experienced, familiar and active on Social Media, Sales Mindset

If the characteristics of the position German Inside Sales Representative sounds like you or someone you know, we want to hear from you today! Apply online by clicking the “Apply now” button!

Have some questions first? Feel free to contact our multilingual unit at multilingual@randstad.gr or at +30 2106770523.

Please note that for transparency and equity reasons, only those applications made online via our site will be assessed. After the screening of all the CVs received, we will only contact the candidates who meet the requirements of the job to arrange an interview. ​ All applications are considered strictly confidential.


German Inside Sales Representative

Are you native German professional ready to take your career to the next level? Are you driven and a self-starter looking to expand your career in inside sales and account management? We want to hear from you!

Our client combines people and technology with main goal to transform the way business owners get the service level they need to function and grow. We are now looking for a German Inside Sales Representative, who will focus on a set of new accounts within the respective country and launch new partnerships.

What our client offers to German Inside Sales Representative: ● A secure job in an exponentially growing international company ● Competitive salary and bonus scheme ● Indefinite contract from Day1 ● Stable working hours Mo-Fr ● Two extra salaries per year ● Public health insurance ● A unique opportunity to be part of the founding team in Greece

Tasks of a German Inside Sales Representative: ● Generate new business opportunities and manage pipelines. ● Cold calling to approach new prospects/accounts. ● Actively creating new sales for products and associated services and solutions as well as follow up on existing leads to pursue them until closure. ● Develop End Customer knowledge, capture customer contacts in CRM and customer profiling in associated tools. ● Build customer confidence, drive sales from qualification.

Requirements of a German Inside Sales Representative include: ● Native level in German among with advanced English knowledge ● Ability to identify customer needs and resolve issues. ● Results oriented, highly organized. ● Team player, ability to collaborate effectively in an international, multicultural environment, and think outside the box. ● Tech experienced, familiar and active on Social Media, Sales Mindset

If the characteristics of the position German Inside Sales Representative sounds like you or someone you know, we want to hear from you today! Apply online by clicking the “Apply now” button!

Have some questions first? Feel free to contact our multilingual unit at multilingual@randstad.gr or at +30 2106770523. Please note that for transparency and equity reasons, only those applications made online via our site will be assessed. After the screening of all the CVs received, we will only contact the candidates who meet the requirements of the job to arrange an interview. ​ All applications are considered strictly confidential


Unser Buero INSTAT AE, www.instat.com.gr, sucht einen Bauingenieur mit mindestens 5 Jahren Berufserfahrung in der Planung von Bruecken. Weiterhin sollte der oder die Kandidat(in) mindestens dem Sprachniveau B2 der deutschen Sprache genuegen.

Bei der zu besetzenden Stelle geht es um die Stelle des Planungskoordinators bei einer der am schwierigsten zu bauenden Bruecke Deutschlands in der Naehe von Stuttgart. Aufgabe des Planungskoordinators wird es sein die Ausfuehrungsplanung der Bruecke von zwei renomierten deutschen Ingenieurbueros zu koordinieren, zeitlich nachzuverfolgen, auf Bewehrungsfehler in der Ausführung zu ueberprüfern, etc.

Unser Buero INSTAT AE, ist seit 1995 in Griechenland ansaessig und hat unter Anderem die allerersten Taktschiebeverfahren-Bruecken in Griechenland geplant, ist das einzige Buero Griechenlands das Erfahrung in der Planung von Haengebrueckenerfahrung hat (Mosambik und Kenya), etc. (siehe auch unsere Webseite)

Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an unsere E-Mail Adresse: papanik@otenet.gr, Herrn K. Papanikolaou


Ζητούνται από Δικηγορική Εταιρεία Αθηνών δικηγόροι με εμπειρία στο Δημόσιο Δίκαιο ή/και στο Δίκαιο Αλλοδαπών για την άμεση κάλυψη 2 θέσεων συνεργατών. Αναγκαία προσόντα οι μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στο Δημόσιο Δίκαιο ή στο Eργατικό Δίκαιο, η αγγλική γλώσσα επιπέδου proficiency και η άριστη γνώση υπολογιστών. Επιθυμητά προσόντα ο χειρισμός υποθέσεων αλλοδαπής και η καλή γνώση της γερμανικής γλώσσας. Ικανοποιητικοί όροι συνεργασίας. Δεκτά βιογραφικά στο email kkremalis@kremalis.gr


Site construction manager (m/f) for Fiber Optics projects in Germany

Main responsibilities

  • Supervision of the project’s civil works and scheduling of activities
  • Review the provided network plans
  • Supplies & warehouse management (materials, machines, equipment, etc.)
  • Conduct on site investigations and analyze data (maps, reports, drawings)
  • Assess potential risks, materials and costs
  • Organize the set-up and transportations of the crew
  • Ensure works are performed on time and with a certain quality
  • Comply with guidelines and regulations including permits, safety, etc. and deliver technical files and other technical documentation as required

Candidate profile

  • Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent (must have)
  • German speaker (must have)
  • Ability to learn new technical knowledge and work in a high-pressure environment
  • Understanding of networks and any other prior experience should be considered as a plus (as a plus)
  • Advanced user of the Microsoft Office Suite and familiarity with drawing/GIS tools (as a plus)
  • Ability to travel in short notice period (must have)


A competitive salary scheme and beneficial perks are provided for this position



Project Manager (m/f) for FTTx projects in Germany

Main responsibilities

  • Structuring and Management of integrated, multi-track projects as well as leading and tracking of integrated project plans
  • Structuring and following up with permitting issues
  • Establishing and maintaining the project communication, project estimation, staffing, planning, proposals, contracting and project deliverables
  • Setting up of quality and performance standards as well as assessment and management of risks within and across multiple projects
  • Identification and management of project issues
  • Motivation of the team and communication of the purpose, project goals and success criteria
  • Definition of the key project roles and responsibilities
  • Application of the best practices and lessons learned from previous projects
  • Management of the third-party partner and vendor relationship

Candidate profile

  • Bachelor´s degree in Engineering, Information Systems or equivalent Diploma in IT
  • 1+ years of project management experience in successfully leading IT projects and delivering IT and telecommunications solutions
  • Experience in multiple full project lifecycles from business development to final delivery
  • 1+ years of client management experience and the experience of managing multiple projects simultaneously
  • Experience and interest in supporting new business initiatives and the ability to define a strategic business solution based on client goals
  • Must speak German and fluent English

Offers and Benefits

  • A competitive salary scheme and beneficial perks are provided for this position
  • Work in an international team and versatile environment with the latest technology;
  • Varied tasks with exciting and challenging IT projects;
  • A pleasant and friendly working atmosphere;



Η εταιρία LAINAS PRODUCTS, η οποία δραστηριοποιείται στον κλάδο του luxury packaging & εκτυπώσεων, επιθυμεί να προσλάβει άτομο για γραμματειακή υποστήριξη & υποστήτιξη πωλήσεων.

Περιοχή Εργασίας: Αθήνα


Άριστη γνώση Γερμανικών, πολύ Καλή Γνώση Αγγλικών, Άριστη γνώση Η/Υ (Ms Office)

Αρμόδιότητες θέσης εργασίας

Υποστήριξη ομάδας πωλήσεων/Back office support

Καταχώρηση και παρακολούθηση παραγγελιών

Ενημέρωση πελατών για την πορεία των παραγγελιών

Συνεργασία με τμήματα πωλήσεων, logistics και παραγωγής

Προσωπικά Χαρακτηριστικά:

Ομαδικό πνεύμα & ικανότητα προσαρμογής

Επικοινωνιακές δεξιότητες

Αποτελεσματική διαχείριση χρόνου

Ικανότητα εργασίας υπό πίεση

Αίσθημα ευθύνης


Ανταγωνιστικό πακέτο αποδοχών

Δυναμικό περιβάλλον εργασίας

Βιογραφικά στο dimitris@lainasprinting.gr


Η Schur Flexibles ABR (Alfa-Beta Roto), μέλος του ευρωπαϊκού ομίλου Schur Flexibles, η οποία δραστηριοποιείται στον κλάδο της εύκαμπτης συσκευασίας, επιθυμεί να καλύψει την παρακάτω ανάγκη στηv Τμήμα Πωλήσεων:

Υποστήριξη Πωλήσεων (Sales Support)

Περιοχή Εργασίας: Αθήνα

Αρμόδιότητες θέσης εργασίας

  • Υποστήριξη ομάδας πωλήσεων/Back office support
  • Καταχώρηση και παρακολούθηση παραγγελιών
  • Ενημέρωση πελατών για την πορεία των παραγγελιών
  • Συνεργασία με τμήματα πωλήσεων, logistics και παραγωγής

Απαραίτητα Προσόντα

  • Άριστη γνώση Γερμανικών
  • Πολύ Καλή Γνώση Αγγλικών
  • Άριστη γνώση Η/Υ (Ms Office)
  • Συμπληρωμένες στρατιωτικές υποχρεώσεις (για τους άντρες)

Επιθυμητά προσόντα που θα εκτιμηθούν

  • Πτυχίο ΑΕΙ/ΤΕΙ

Προσωπικά Χαρακτηριστικά:

  • Ομαδικό πνεύμα & ικανότητα προσαρμογής
  • Επικοινωνιακές δεξιότητες
  • Αποτελεσματική διαχείριση χρόνου
  • Ικανότητα εργασίας υπό πίεση
  • Αίσθημα ευθύνης


  • Ανταγωνιστικό πακέτο αποδοχών
  • Δυναμικό περιβάλλον εργασίας

Όσοι/όσες ενδιαφέρονται να καλύψουν τη θέση παρακαλώ να αποστέλλουν τα βιογραφικά τους στο stebilis@alfabetaroto.com

Μετά την παραλαβή των βιογραφικών θα επικοινωνήσουμε με τους υποψηφίους που πληρούν τις απαιτήσεις της θέσης.

Όλες οι αιτήσεις θεωρούνται αυστηρά εμπιστευτικές


German Speaking Customer Service Advisor for the biggest German Telecommunications Company!

Cosmote e-Value, member of ΟΤΕ Group, is an integrated Contact Center that offers innovative Customer Relationship & Experience Management and Business Process Outsourcing services, being capable of fully undertaking the end-to-end design-to-implementation process for its customer’s strategies and operations. We have been providing integrated solutions for nearly 20 years, while in 2014 e-Value International in Romania was established.

What you will do:

  • Provide a high level of customer service to German speaking clients at all times.
  • Respond and record consumer enquiries/questions raised through free phone lines for customers.
  • Maintain accurate data input of consumer enquiries, questions and feedback on the customer services database.
  • Be able to offer recommendations to common technical problems or frequently asked questions.
  • Work effectively as part of a team, developing effective and supportive relationships with colleagues.

What we offer

  • Competitive remuneration salary.
  • Continuous paid training.
  • Excellent working premises in Athens city center.
  • Lots of benefits and discounts (phone plans etc).


  • Possession of excellent oral and written communication skills in German language (Good command of English would be considered as an asset).
  • Possession of excellent interpersonal skills, including working with staff to explain and resolve difficult situations.
  • Good understanding of computer systems and other tech products.
  • Availability to work in rotating shifts, Monday to Friday, from 8 am till 10 pm.


Περιγραφή εργασίας

Are you a native German speaker and seeking a part-time employment? Are you looking for the chance to take advantage of your excellent communication skills and jump into a sales role? Would you like to work for a leading company in the IT Services Industry which is now investing on Greece?

If so, this is your time to work as a German B2B Inside Sales Representative.

In this role, you will convert leads into sales while working for a German trusted company with presence in 38 subsidiaries and more than 3,500 employees globally.


    What our client offers toGerman Inside Sales Representative:

    • A secure job in an exponentially growing international company
    • Indefinite contract from Day 1
    • Competitive salary and bonus scheme
    • Two extra salaries per year
    • Public health insurance
    • Buddy programme for an easy start for new employees
    • A unique opportunity to be part of the founding team in Greece


      Tasks of aGerman Inside Sales Representative:

      • Generate new business opportunities and manage pipelines.
      • Cold calling to approach new prospects/accounts.
      • Actively creating new sales for products and associated services and solutions as well as follow up on existing leads to pursue them until closure.
      • Develop End Customer knowledge, capture customer contacts in CRM and customer profiling in associated tools.
      • Build customer confidence, drive sales from qualification.


      Requirements of a German Inside Sales Representative include:

      • Native level in German among with advanced English knowledge
      • Capacity to build trust, positive attitude and ease in building relationships.
      • Ability to identify customer needs and resolve issues.
      • Team player, ability to collaborate effectively in an international, multicultural environment, and think outside the box.
      • Tech experienced, familiar and active on Social Media, Sales Mindset


      If the characteristics of the positionGerman Inside Sales Representativesounds like you or someone you know, we want to hear from you today! Apply online by clicking the“Apply now”button!

      Have some questions first? Feel free to contact our multilingual unit atmultilingual@randstad.gror at+30 2106770523.

      Please note that for transparency and equity reasons, only those applications made online via our site will be assessed. After the screening of all the CVs received, we will only contact the candidates who meet the requirements of the job to arrange an interview. ​ All applications are considered strictly confidential.



      Περιγραφή εργασίας

      Are you native German professional ready to take your career to the next level? Are you driven and a self-starter looking to expand your career in inside sales and account management? We want to hear from you!

      Our client combines people and technology with main goal to transform the way business owners get the service level they need to function and grow. We are now looking for a German Inside Sales Representative,who will focus on a set of new accounts within the respective country and launch new partnerships.


        What our client offers to German Inside Sales Representative:

        • A secure job in an exponentially growing international company
        • Competitive salary and bonus scheme
        • Indefinite contract from Day1
        • Stable working hours Mo-Fr
        • Two extra salaries per year
        • Public health insurance
        • A unique opportunity to be part of the founding team in Greece


          Tasks of a German Inside Sales Representative:

          • Generate new business opportunities and manage pipelines.
          • Cold calling to approach new prospects/accounts.
          • Actively creating new sales for products and associated services and solutions as well as follow up on existing leads to pursue them until closure.
          • Develop End Customer knowledge, capture customer contacts in CRM and customer profiling in associated tools.
          • Build customer confidence, drive sales from qualification.


          Requirements of a German Inside Sales Representative include:

          • Native level in German among with advanced English knowledge
          • Ability to identify customer needs and resolve issues.
          • Results oriented, highly organized.
          • Team player, ability to collaborate effectively in an international, multicultural environment, and think outside the box.
          • Tech experienced, familiar and active on Social Media, Sales Mindset


          If the characteristics of the positionGerman Inside Sales Representativesounds like you or someone you know, we want to hear from you today! Apply online by clicking the“Apply now”button!

          Have some questions first? Feel free to contact our multilingual unit atmultilingual@randstad.gror at+30 2106770523.

          Please note that for transparency and equity reasons, only those applications made online via our site will be assessed. After the screening of all the CVs received, we will only contact the candidates who meet the requirements of the job to arrange an interview. ​ All applications are considered strictly confidential.



          Μιλάτε άριστα ή είναι μητρική σας γλώσσα τα Γερμανικά;

          Θέλετε να εργαστείτε για τον μεγαλύτερο πάροχο τηλεπικοινωνιών στην Ελλάδα;

          Το Jobfind.gr ζητά – για λογαριασμό του μεγαλύτερου παρόχου τηλεπικοινωνιών στην Ελλάδα – Γερμανόφωνους Συμβούλους Εξυπηρέτησης Πελατών για εργασία στην Αθήνα.

          Οι θέσεις θα εξυπηρετούν κορυφαίο οργανισμό τηλεπικοινωνιών της Ευρώπης.

          Τοποθεσία: Κεραμεικός

          Απαραίτητα προσόντα:

          • Άριστη γνώση ή μητρική γλώσσα τα γερμανικά
          • Επιθυμητή προϋπηρεσία σε θέσεις εξυπηρέτησης πελατών ή σε τμήματα πωλήσεων


          Πενθήμερη, 8ωρη απασχόληση | Δευτέρα – Παρασκευή 08.00 – 22.00 (κυλιόμενο)

          Μικτές αποδοχές: 1100€

          Μιλάτε άριστα Γερμανικά;

          Στείλτε το βιογραφικό σας στο cv@jobfind.gr!





          ΤΗΛ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑΣ : 2810-262455 , 6948-201804, 6948-503855

          ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΑ: EMAIL: crete_jeep_safari@hotmail .com


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