Προσφέρουν εργασία

Java Web Developer (with knowledge of German)

(ref: GJWD/06/16), Thessaloniki or Athens

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, Jakarta, Hong Kong, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations internationally.

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is looking to recruit in Thessaloniki and/or Athens a Java Web Developer with good command of German.


  • Analyse, design, develop and maintain large and complex Java Web applications;
  • Collaborate passionately with colleagues, adhering to high professional standards and ensuring the delivery of quality software and project documentation;
  • Contribute to the continual improvement process through cross-thinking and putting forward innovative ideas;
  • Participate in very important international IT projects.


  • University Degree in Computer Science or related field;
  • Strong analytical capabilities, team & quality oriented, keen to learn and excel;
  • Good knowledge of Java and enthusiasm for software development;
  • Experience in some of following technologies: Java Enterprise Edition (JEE), JSF, JavaScript, AngularJS, JQuery, EJB, Spring, OSGi, Hibernate, XML, XSL, XSD, SQL;
  • German and English; French or other languages will be considered an asset.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting and dynamic company, where you will offer your services as part of a team, operating in an international, multilingual and multicultural environment where you can expect real chances to make a difference, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (GJWD/06/16), at the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com.

We offer a competitive remuneration (either on a contract basis or on a full benefits package), based on qualifications and experience. All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also consider all our other open vacancies by visiting the career section of our web site (www.eurodyn.com) and follow us on Twitter (@EURODYN_Careers) and LinkedIn.


Stellennummer:KJP Ärzte u. FÄ

Assistenzärzte zur Weiterbildung und Fachärzte (m/w)

Ärztlicher Dienst

Fachbereich: Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie

Standort: Norddeutschland

Eintrittsdatum: n. m. Termin


Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie am Klinikum verfügt über 48 Behandlungsplätze und ist zuständig für die Pflichtversorgung dreier Kreise und einer Stadt. Vier Tageskliniken (zusammen 40 Plätze) komplettieren das Versorgungsangebot.

Wir expandieren und suchen für sofort oder später

Ärztinnen und Ärzte zur Weiterbildung im Fachgebiet Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie Psychosomatik Psychotherapie (m/w)

und Fachärztinnen und Fachärzte für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie (m/w)

Wenn Sie mit Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen arbeiten möchten, Wert auf individuelle Behandlung legen und umfangreiche fachliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten suchen, melden Sie sich bei uns!

• Wir legen großen Wert auf eine fundierte Aus- und Weiterbildung,

• Deshalb großzügige finanzielle Unterstützung von Fort- und Weiterbildungen,

• Dienstbelastung hält sich in Grenzen,

• Sie finden ein gutes Betriebsklima und gute räumliche Ausstattung der 2002 neu erbauten Klinik.

Die flachen Hierarchien und das umfangreiche Leistungsspektrum der Klinik bieten die Möglichkeit der Mitwirkung an der weiteren Entwicklung der Klinik

Die Vergütung erfolgt nach TV-Ärzte/VKA mit allen sonst üblichen Leistungen des öffentlichen Dienstes. Hausinterne Strahlenschutzkurse stehen allen Ärztinnen und Ärzten des Klinikums kostenfrei offen.

Interessierten Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern bieten wir selbstverständlich die Möglichkeit zur Hospitation.

Die Stellen sind für Frauen und Männer gleichermaßen geeignet. Schwerbehinderte Bewerber/innen werden bei gleicher Eignung und Befähigung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Bei der Organisation einer erforderlichen Betreuung Ihrer Kinder sind wir Ihnen gerne behilflich.

Wir bieten Ihnen


  • • Gute Weiterbildungsperspektiven an allen 3 Klinikstandorten
  • • Freundliches und kollegiales Arbeitsklima in allen Bereichen
  • • Langfristige Arbeitsverträge
  • • Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten inkl. Promotion undGutachtertätigkeiten möglich
  • • Dienstplanmodelle mit hoher Akzeptanz bei elektronischer Erfassung aller geleisteten Arbeitszeiten
  • • Entlastung von arztfremden Tätigkeiten durchEinsatz von Stationssekretärinnen, klinischen Kodierfachkräften
  • • Delegation ärztlicher Tätigkeiten auf den Pflegedienst
  • • Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten in unseren Personalwohnheimen
  • • Regelmäßige interne Fortbildungen
  • • Attraktive Altersvorsorge-Modelle
  • • Regelmäßige Mitarbeiterversammlungen
  • • Standortübergreifende Betriebsfeste
  • • Mitarbeiterzeitung

Fort- und Weiterbildung

  • • Das dem Klinikum angeschlossene “Bildungszentrum für Berufe im Gesundheitswesen” bietet allen Klinikmitarbeitern und Klinikmitarbeiterinnen sowie Interessenten externer Einrichtungen ein umfangreiches Angebot an Fortbildungsseminaren und Weiterbildungslehrgängen an.
  • • Im ärztlichen Bereich finden darüberhinaus vielfältige Fortbildungsaktivitäten auf Ebene der verschiedenen Fachabteilungen (Kliniken) statt. Fachabteilungsübergreifend werden zudem regelmäßig Kurse nach der „Strahlenschutzverordnung“ über den Umgang mit radioaktiven Stoffen sowie nach der „Röntgenverordnung” für den Betrieb von Röntgeneinrichtungen angeboten.
  • • Nahezu 1:1 Betreuung der Assistenzärzte durch Fachärzte
  • • Hervorzuheben ist, dass Fort- und Weiterbildungen der Assistenz- und Fachärzte des Klinikums gesondert finanziell unterstütztwerden.

Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf

  • • Wir bieten familienfreundliche, individuell zu vereinbarende Teilzeitmodelle, die Ihre persönlichen Wünsche berücksichtigen
  • • Wir ermöglichen bevorzugte KiTa-Platzbelegungen an unseren Standorten.
  • • Wir bieten Hilfe durch die kostenlose Inanspruchnahme der “Fabel-Service-Dienstleistungen” an, wennes Engpässebei derKinderbetreuung oder der Betreuungpflegebedürftiger Angehöriger gibt.
  • • Beim Wiedereinstieg nach der Elternzeit oder nach sonstigen Ausfallzeiten bietenwir zum Ausgleich von Qualifikationsverlusten gezielte Fort-und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen an.


Das Klinikum ist Mitglied im Deutschen Netz gesundheitsfördernder Krankenhäuser, einem Netzwerk der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO). Im Netzwerk der gesundheitsfördernden Krankenhäuser geht es vor allem darum, die Gesundheit der Patienten und Mitarbeiter sowie der Menschen im Umfeld des Klinikums zu stärken.

Dazu werden zahlreiche Maßnahmen und Projekte etabliert und durchgeführt:

  • • Kinästhetik-Kurse
  • • Wirbelsäulengymnastik u.a. zusammen mit Reha-Einrichtungen und Sportvereinen
  • • Kurse und Seminare zur Erhaltung und Förderung der psychischen Gesundheit
  • • Sport (Fitnessstudio)
  • • Radgruppe
  • • Laufgruppe
  • • Arbeitssicherheit
  • • Nichtraucherschutz – Raucherberatung – Tabakentwöhnung
  • • Suchtberatung
  • • Aufbau eines Umweltmanagementsystems

Kurz Portrait

Die Entwicklung vom Kleinkinderalter über das Kindes- und Jugendalter bis zum Erwachsenenalter ist eine wunderbare Zeit, in der große Entwicklungsschritte bewältigt werden müssen. Dabei können kleinere und größere Schwierigkeiten auftreten. Manchmal überfordern diese Schwierigkeiten die Kräfte von Eltern, Kindern und Jugendlichen. Die Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie bietet in diesen Fällen den Familien ihre Unterstützung an. Die Ärzte und Pflegekräfte der stationären und tagesklinischen Einrichtung kennen sich aus mit seelischen und psychischen Erkrankungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen und sind darin ausgebildet, professionelle Untersuchungen und Behandlungen durchzuführen.

In der Klinik werden alle Entwicklungsstörungen und psychiatrische Erkrankungen im Kindes- und Heranwachsendenalter behandelt. Die vollstationäre und teilstationäre Versorgung wird in diesem Bericht jeweils gesondert aufgeführt, bildet jedoch zusammen unter der Leitung des Chefarztes eine organisatorische Einheit. In unseren stationären und tagesklinischen Einrichtungen werden Kinder und Jugendliche im Alter zwischen etwa 3 und 18 Jahren aufgenommen. Die 12 – 17 jährigen Kinder und Jugendlichen bilden dabei einen Anteil von 84,6% der Fälle.

Behandlungsschwerpunkte (stationär)

  • • Spezifische emotionaleStörungen des Kindesalters
  • • Störungen des Sozialverhaltens
  • • Entwicklungs- und Teilleistungsstörungen
  • • Bindungsstörungen
  • • Essstörungen
  • • Schulphobie, Schulangst, Schulverweigerung
  • • Neurotische Entwicklungen (Angst, Zwang, Konversion, Depression)
  • • Posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen

Auch Zwangseingewiesene werden im Klinikum behandelt, ebenso Patienten mit emotionalen Störungen in Verbindung mit Suchtmittelmissbrauch. Steht jedoch die Suchterkrankung im Vordergrund, werden die Patienten auf die spezifischen Stationen anderer Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrischen Kliniken verlegt. Schwer geistig Behinderte mit Verhaltensstörungen benötigen ebenfalls ein spezifisches Behandlungsumfeld und werden nach Absprache in kooperierende Kliniken verlegt.

Behandlungsschwerpunkte (Tagesklinik)

  • • Spezifische emotionale Störungen des Kindesalters
  • • Störungen des Sozialverhaltens
  • • Entwicklungs- und Teilleistungsstörungen
  • • Bindungsstörungen
  • • Essstörungen
  • Schulphobie, Schulangst, Schulverweigerung
  • • Neurotische Entwicklungen (Angst, Zwang, Konversion, Depression)
  • • Posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen
  • • Deprivations- und Misshandlungssyndrome
  • • Affektive Störungen
  • • Psychosomatische Erkrankungen
  • • Persönlichkeitsentwicklungsstörungen
  • • Hyperaktivitätssyndrom

Fundiertes allgemeinmedizinisches Wissen und gute Deutschkenntnise werden Vorausgesetzt.

Bei Interesse bitte Aussagekräftige Kontaktaufnahme über den Alumni Verein der DSA (info@ex-dsathen.gr)


Η “ΚΡΕΜΑΛΗΣ-Δικηγορική Εταιρεία” (www.kremalis.gr) ζητεί για συνεργασία δικηγόρο με 3 – ετή τουλάχιστον επαγγελματική εμπειρία, με ιδιαίτερη ενασχόληση σε υποθέσεις Εργατικού και Διοικητικού Δικαίου, σε οργανωμένο εταιρικό περιβάλλον.

Άριστη γνώση Αγγλικής γλώσσας/ νομικής ορολογίας και χρήσης Η/Υ.

Επιθυμητή πολύ καλή γνώση Γερμανικής.

Κάτοχος Μεταπτυχιακού τίτλου.

Επαγγελματική υπευθυνότητα, εργατικότητα, αποτελεσματικότητα, οργανωτικό και δημιουργικό πνεύμα, αναλυτική και συνθετική σκέψη, επικοινωνιακή και διαπραγματευτική ικανότητα.

Αποστολή βιογραφικών στο email: info@kremalis.gr


Big Data Software Engineer (ref: BDSE/05/16) Athens, Greece

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations internationally.

We currently have vacancy position for Big Data Software Engineer, tojoin our expanding development teams in Athens.


· Write code supporting the development of big data solutions, implementing complete data integration or analytic use cases.

Mandatory Qualifications:

· Bachelor degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering;

· Strong analytical skills, team – and quality-oriented, keen to learn and excel;

· Thorough knowledge of Java;

· Fluency in verbal and written English.

Desired Qualifications:

· Knowledge and experience working with the following technologies: Spring Framework, SQL, R, TIBCO Spotfire, NoSQL DBs, Hibernate, ReST, Git.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting and dynamic company, where you will offer your services as part of a team, operating in an international, multilingual and multicultural environment where you can expect real chances to make a difference, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (BDSE/05/16), at the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com.

We offer a competitive remuneration (either on a contract basis or on a full benefits package), based on qualifications and experience. All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also consider all our other open vacancies by visiting the career section of our web site (www.eurodyn.com) and follow us on Twitter (@EURODYN_Careers) and LinkedIn.


SENIOR J2EE Developer / Team Leader (Ref: SJ2EE-TL/04/16), Athens, Greece

With expertise in web application development and design, using Spring Framework and AngularJS.

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations internationally.

We currently have a vacancy for a Senior J2EE Developer/Team Leader, fluent in English to offer his/her services at the premises of the company in Athens, as an expert throughout the lifecycle of software implementation projects, also undertaking technical team leadership responsibilities. The work will be carried out at the company’s premises in Athens, with on-site missions at the customer premises whenever required. In the context of this assignment, the successful candidate will be integrated within the implementation team of the company, interfacing and closely cooperating with the client development teams.

Job description:

  • Lead all phases of complex web application development life cycle, including requirements gathering and analysis, system design and development, testing and implementation;
  • Develop and adhere to project standards, ensuring the delivery of quality software and project documentation, according to customer requirements.

Required qualifications:

  • University degree in Computer Science or Information Technology;
  • Minimum 4-year experience in large scale Java application development, using Spring Framework;
  • Experience in the full lifecycle of complex web development projects;
  • Strong design, implementation and testing skills and techniques;
  • Good knowledge of modelling tools such as UML and RUP development methodology;
  • Application Servers: Tomcat, JBoss;
  • Web Development: AngularJS, JavaScript, Git, Maven, Apache CXF, Hibernate, JUnit, JMeter, advanced UNIX skills;
  • XML: XML Schemas, XSDs, XSL, XPath, writing DOM / SAX parsers, JDOM;
  • Database: JDBC, PostgreSQL;
  • EIP Frameworks skills: Apache Camel or Spring Integration;
  • Ability to cope with fast changing technologies used in application developments and work effectively within an international team;
  • Very good communication and presentation skills, ability to participate in multi-lingual meetings;
  • Excellent command of English, both written and spoken.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting and dynamic company, where you will offer your services as part of a team of a major European Institution, operating in an international, multilingual and multicultural environment where you can expect real chances to make a difference, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (SJ2EE-TL/04/16), to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com.

We offer a competitive remuneration (either on contract basis or remuneration with full benefits package), based on qualifications and experience. All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also consider all our other open vacancies by visiting the career section of our web site (www.eurodyn.com) and follow us on Twitter (@EURODYN_Careers).


SENIOR Web Consultant / Project Manager fluent in Dutch (Scrum, Agile, Prince 2, ITIL) (ref:SWCPM/05/16) Athens, Greece

To be involved in major international Web Development projects, in the field of Intellectual Property case management (Trademarks, Patents, Designs).

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations internationally.

We currently have a vacancy for a Senior Web Consultant / Project Manager fluent in Dutch, to offer his/her services as an expert throughout the life-cycle of software implementation and maintenance projects, with the perspective of undertaking project coordination and communication responsibilities. The work will be carried out in the company’s premises in Athens, with onsite missions at customer premises in Benelux countries. In the context of this assignment, the successful candidate will be integrated with the implementation and maintenance teams of the company, interfacing and closely cooperating within the client’s Management, Business and Technical responsible teams.

Tasks Descriptions:

  • Participate in business analysis and project management meetings and workshops;
  • Compile, review and validate requirements and specifications, at both business and technical level;
  • Analyse requirements, business processes and workflows, effectively mapping them to system and technical specifications;
  • Prepare and maintain project’s time-plans and quality plans, coordinate the activities of the implementation/maintenance teams, and elaborate status reports;
  • Carry out functional testing and prepare end-user documentation;
  • Liaise with clients and manage expectations;
  • Deliver Consulting, Training and Coaching services to clients.

Your Skills:

  • University degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related field;
  • At minimum 5 year experience in Business Analysis for web development projects;
  • Hands-on experience in the development and maintenance of web development projects;
  • Good knowledge and experience in Scrum, Agile, Prince 2, and ITIL;
  • Excellent command of English and Dutch, both written and spoken.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting and dynamic company, where you will offer your services as part of a team of a major European Institution, operating in an international, multilingual and multicultural environment where you can expect real chances to make a difference, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (SWCPM/05/16), to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com.

We offer a competitive remuneration (either on contract basis or remuneration with full benefits package), based on qualifications and experience. All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also consider all our other open vacancies by visiting the career section of our web site (www.eurodyn.com) and follow us on Twitter (@EURODYN_Careers).


Η “ΚΡΕΜΑΛΗΣ-Δικηγορική Εταιρεία” (www.kremalis.gr) προσφέρει δυνατότητες συστέγασης και συνεργασίας με Δικηγόρους που έχουν εμπειρία στο Εργατικό και Διοικητικό Δίκαιο. Επιθυμητά προσόντα: άριστη γνώση αγγλικής γλώσσας, πολύ καλή γνώση γερμανικών και μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές.

Αποστολή βιογραφικών στο email: info@kremalis.gr.


JAVA Web Developer (ref: JWD/04/16, Athens, Greece

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations internationally.

We currently have vacancy positions for Java Web Developer to join our expanding development teams in Athens.


  • Development of Java-based and Open Source solutions;
  • Analysis of requirements, construction and unit testing of developments;
  • Evaluation of emerging technologies.

Mandatory Qualifications:

  • University degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering;
  • Strong analytical skills, team- and quality-oriented, keen to learn and excel;
  • Thorough knowledge of JEE;
  • Fluency in verbal and written English.

Desired Qualifications:

  • Working experience with Spring Framework, SQL, JavaScript, Hibernate, ReST, XML/JSON, Tomcat, JUnit, JMeter, Git.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (ref: JWD/04/16) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer a competitive remuneration (either on contract basis or remuneration with full benefits package), based on qualifications and experience. All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also consider all our other open vacancies by visiting the career section of our web site (www.eurodyn.com) and follow us on Twitter (@EURODYN_Careers) and LinkedIn.


Ζητείται γερμανόφωνη κυρία για φύλαξη βρέφους και ελαφρές οικιακές εργασίες στα Μελίσσια. Ωράριο Δευτέρα εως Παρασκευή, 8:00-18:00. Επιθυμητή η κατοχή αυτοκινήτου και/η άδειας οδήγησης.

Τηλέφωνο επικοινωνίας 6945153142.


JUNIOR IT ENGINEER (Linux, Java, Apache, Tomcat) Ref: JITE/03/16, Athens, Greece

With experience in Linux system administration, HTTP Apache, Apache Tomcat, Jenkins, Maven, Git and sound skills in Java programming.

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Helsinki, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government administrations internationally.

We currently seek a Junior IT Engineer with experience in the administration of Linux systems, scripting and programming, to provide IT support, maintenance, and development operations services in Athens, for the implementation of major IT projects.

Job description:

  • Provide systems support to software development teams;
  • Assist in deployments and setups of new software infrastructure;
  • Undertake maintenance and operations tasks of Enterprise Information Systems, including the daily monitoring of software services, logs, and incidents, as well as the daily software deployments, release management, and planning.

Required skills:

  • One year experience in Linux system administration, HTTP Apache, Apache Tomcat, Jenkins, Maven, Git;
  • Sound skills in Java programming;
  • Excellent command of English, both written and spoken.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (ref: JITE/03/16) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer an extremely competitive remuneration and benefits package, based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also want to consider other open requests on our web site (www.eurodyn.com)


Senior R&D Consultant / Project Manager fluent in English

(ref: RDC/03/16), Athens, Greece

With experience in European funded R&D projects

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations internationally.

We currently have a vacancy for a Senior R&D Consultant / Project Manager, fluent in English, to offer his/her services as an expert based in Athens, Greece. The successful candidate will work with the R&D department of the company, which supports projects funded by the European Commission and national research frameworks.

Your tasks:

  • Management and implementation of R&D projects and organisation of new R&D initiatives, research, and technical writing, in the field of e-government software applications and case management systems;
  • Elaboration of the full suite of document deliverables for R&D projects and business development activities (feasibility studies, market researches, requirements, conceptual models, specifications, implementation plans, marketing plans, business plans, dissemination plans, etc);
  • Participation in other R&D activities, such as the writing of new research proposals and the delivery of high quality presentations and online demonstrations, at dissemination meetings.

Your skills:

  • University degree in Computer Science (software discipline), with postgraduate qualification at PhD level;
  • Knowledge of National and European research programmes in ICT and relevant previous experience;
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in project management of national and EU funded programmes, especially under the role of coordinating partner;
  • Experience in e-government applications, case management systems, software services (SaaS);
  • Proven experience in writing successful proposals for national and EU-funded programmes;
  • Excellent communication skills, ability to negotiate, and to cooperate with international partners and clients, technical writing, presentation, and organisation skills;
  • Excellent command of English and Greek, both written and oral;
  • Experience in the field of Intellectual Property business and services (trademarks, patents, designs) will be an asset.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting and dynamic company, where you will offer your services as part of a team, operating in an international, multilingual and multicultural environment where you can expect real chances to make a difference, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (RDC/03/16), at the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com.

We offer a competitive remuneration (either on a contract basis or on a full benefits package), based on qualifications and experience. All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also consider all our other open vacancies by visiting the career section of our web site (www.eurodyn.com) and follow us on Twitter (@EURODYN_Careers) and LinkedIn.


Το 4* ξενοδοχείο Golden Coast Resort (1500 κλίνες) στο Μαραθώνα Αττικής προσλαμβάνει, με άριστες και ευχάριστες συνθήκες εργασίας, για την καλοκαιρινή σαιζόν γερμανόφωνους animateur (για mini-golf & sports) για να ψυχαγωγούν μικρούς & μεγάλους με διάφορες δραστηριότητες.Αποστολή βιογραφικού με φωτο στοmanager@goldencoast.grή fax στο 22941.13001.


PEOPLECERT, global leader in assessment and certification of professional skills across 150 countries is seeking an exceptional and talented individual to join our team as:

International Customer Support Advisors

Location: Athens

Ref. Code: (ICSA0216)

The Role

You will join the Customer Service department of Peoplecert which supports a global network of partner organizations and professionals, 24/7/365 in 10 different languages. The department’s main goal is to provide information and customer advice as well as handle any enquiries that require product or service support.

The International Customer Support Advisor is responsible for resolving customers’ technical or product enquiries by handling inbound and outbound international calls. The service is provided through chat, phone or e-mails.

Candidate Profile

  • Excellent command of the English language (C2 level). Bilingual in English/Greek is preferred
  • Ability to communicate fluently in German, Italian or Spanish (native or C2 level certification)
  • Availability to work on shifts on a rotating basis
  • A quick learner and able to multitask
  • Commitment to the job on a long-term basis
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills, strong customer service attitude
  • IT Skills, ECDL Core/Expert certification will be considered an asset

If you are looking for an international, fresh and fast growing environment to enhance your career further we would like to hear from you! Please send us your CV via e-mail tohumanres@peoplecert.orgmentioning the reference code(ICSA0216).


PEOPLECERT is a global leader in assessment and certification of professional skills, partnering with multi-national organisations and government bodies for the development & delivery of standardised exams. Delivering exams across 150 countries and in 24 languages over its state-of-the-art assessment technology, PEOPLECERT enables professionals to boost their careers and realise their life ambitions.

Through flexible & secure exam management systems, PEOPLECERT offers a suite of services for simple, flexible and secure exams, including online exam booking, multilingual online proctoring, e-certificates and online certificate verification.

We are a truly equal opportunities employer and we welcome candidates with exceptional talent from all walks of life and from a broad range of academic disciplines and professional backgrounds. We are highly educated, with international work experience and a global outlook.

Our offices in UK, Greece, Cyprus and Turkey boast a culture of diversity, where everyone is different, yet everyone fits in. Our commitment is to develop and maintain a workforce that reflects the very diversity of our customers and the communities in which we do business.

For more information, please visit the corporate websitewww.peoplecert.org


IT CONSULTANT (ref: ITC/03/16) Athens, Greece

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Helsinki, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government administrations internationally.

We currently have a vacancy for an IT CONSULTANT, to offer his/her services as an expert in various international projects of the company.

Your tasks:

• Participation in business and system meetings with clients;

• Analysis and documentation of business requirements (use cases, etc);

• Elaboration of functional/non-functional specifications;

• Preparation of testing material and organisation of functional testing;

• Preparation of documentation (user manuals, reports, etc);

• Delivery of consulting, training and helpdesk services to end-users;

• Project Management support, coordination, and reporting.

Your skills:

• University Degree in Computer Science or Information Technology;

• Analytical thinking, presentation, coordination and collaboration skills;

• Excellent knowledge of MS Office suite;

• Excellent command of English, both written and spoken;

• Experience in any of the following is considered an asset: UML analysis, Web development/testing, Databases.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (ref: ITC/03/16) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer an extremely competitive remuneration and benefits package, based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also want to consider other open requests on our web site (www.eurodyn.com)


Are you a native German speaker with a strong desire for more sunny days in your life?

Here we have a big opportunity for you!

Trenkwalder job centers on behalf of a well-known multinational company is looking to hire German speakers (native or fluent) to live and work in sunny Lisbon!

A job offer with all included is waiting for you in one of the most interesting multicultural environments.

Feel free to send your cv here —–> i.katsiki@trenkwalder.com with the ref code : Sea & sun so we can start discussing together the option for your relocation in this beautiful country.

All you need is your fluent German language skills- your confident speech and your suitcase !


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