Προσφέρουν εργασία

We are looking for potential candidates to cover position of

Customer Service Representative in German

Our client-company

Our client iscurrently the worldwide leading provider of “Outstanding Customer Experience” at every single opportunity and has been serving companies around the world providing superior results in managing their customer care and technical support programs.

Scope of the position.

The Customer Service departmentis to provide information and customer advice and handle any enquiries that require product or service support. The department issupporting a global network of partner organizations and professionals.

Main Responsibilities.

  • Receiving inquiries through inbound callswithin a busy technical support team
  • Data inputting and information management
  • Check to ensure that appropriate changes were made to resolve customers’ problems

Strongly required skills

  • Native speakingin German
  • Good Knowledge of PC (hardware, software, internet)
  • Windows, MS Office Suite, Skype, Windows Media Player, Windows Messenger
  • Commitment to the job on a long-term basis
  • Fluent command of English language

Company offers:

  • Relocation package
  • Competitive salary
  • Opportunities for career progress
  • Production Bonus
  • Great Benefits & Discounts (Greek lessons, Theaters & Shows, etc.)
  • Career Development Opportunities
  • Family Program (Summer camp for children, discounts etc.)
  • In-House doctor and examination center
  • Induction Programme


JAVA Web Developer (ref: JWD/02/16, Athens or Thessaloniki, Greece

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations internationally.

We currently have vacancy positions for Java Web Developer to join our expanding development teams in Athens or Thessaloniki.


• Development of Java-based Open Source solutions, in the areas of enterprise

content management and e-government applications;

• Analysis of requirements, construction and unit testing of developments;

• Troubleshooting systems in production;

• Evaluation of emerging technologies.

Mandatory Qualifications:

• University degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering;

• Strong analytical skills, team- and quality-oriented, keen to learn and excel;

• Thorough knowledge of J2EE;

• Fluency in verbal and written English.

Desired Qualifications

• Working experience with Spring Framework, Hibernate, ReST,Tomcat, JUnit Git;

• Knowledge of jQuery and JavaScript.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (ref: JWD/02/16) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer a competitive remuneration (either on contract basis or remuneration with full benefits package), based on qualifications and experience. All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also consider all our other open vacancies by visiting the career section of our web site (www.eurodyn.com) and follow us on Twitter (@EURODYN_Careers) and LinkedIn.


R&D Project Manager (ref: RDPM/01/16) Athens, Greece

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations internationally.

We currently have a vacancy for an R&D Project Manager, to offer his/her services as an expert based in Athens, Greece.


Management of R&D projects and staff, organisation of new R&D initiatives, technical writing skills.

The ideal candidate will build R&D consortiums, coordinate writing proposals and manage R&D projects. He will follow the evolution of new technologies and identify new concepts.


  • PhD / MSc in IT or related fields with minimum 3 year of experience in R&D projects in the field of software and IT;
  • Experience in areas such as e-government, e-business, e-health, e-inclusion, security, knowledge management, Semantics, Social Computing, Cloud Computing Applications and any emerging technological application domain in the ICT sector, will be appreciated;
  • Experience in writing proposals for national and EU funded programs;
  • Minimum 3 years of experience inproject management of national and EU funded programs;
  • Excellent communication skills, excellent English, ability to negotiate and cooperate with international partners.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference:(ref: RDPM/01/16) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer a competitive remuneration package, based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.


Deutsche Familie mit drei großen Kindern sucht ab Mitte März ein griechisches Au-Pair Mädchen zur Betreung unseres Hundes und für leichte Haushaltstätigkeiten nach Bayern. Du solltest fröhlich und zuverlässig sein, eigenständig, tielieb und mit Hausarbeit vertraut sein. Englischkentnisse oder Grundkenntnisse in deutsch sind Voraussetzung. Kontaktaufnahme unter: hanna.feilitzsch@t-online.de


Ζητούνται γερμανόφωνοι ηθοποιοί για ηχογραφήσεις μεταγλωττίσεων ντοκιμαντέρ στην Αθήνα.

Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας: Κάτια Πρωτογεροπούλου katiap1@yahoo.gr


TUI ReiseleiterFlughafen Dienst, TUI Griechenland

Lage: Kreta, Rhodos, Kos, Korfu, Kefalonien, Zakynthos

Geschäftssektor: TUI Destination Services

Berichtet an: FlughafenTeam Leader oder FlughafenTeam Manager

Vertragsbedingungen: Griechischer Vertrag mit fester Laufzeit

Mit dem Beitritt zum TUI Flughafen-Team als Flughafen Reiseleiter, werden Sie sich zu einem Experten verwandeln was die Bereitstellung des besten Kundendiensts für unseren europäischen Kunden bei An- und Abreise anbelangt. Als Mitglied unseres internationalen Flughafen Team, wird Ihre Arbeit einen signifikanten Unterschied für den Urlaub unserer Kunden bedeuten. Sie werden in einer belebten Umgebung während des Tags oder in der Nacht agieren, dabei haben Sie die Möglichkeit mit Einzelkunden oder ganze Gruppen eine Beziehung aufzubauen. Bitte beachten Sie dass dies eine Stelle mit lokalem Anstellungsverhältnis und Spanischen Geschäftsbedingungen ist, daher werden Sie Ihre eigene Unterkunft und eigenen Transportmittel benötigen.

Der TUI Konzern ist weltweit die Nummer eins im integrierten Tourismus-Geschäft. Ihr Einstieg bei uns, wird Ihnen die Möglichkeit geben Ihre Karriere in der Reisebranche aufzubauen und Teil eines aufregenden multikulturellen Teams zu werden.

Ihr Aufgabengebiet:

Als Flughafen Reiseleiter werden Sie dank Ihrer Persönlichkeit, Professionalität und persönlichen Service den besten Urlaub für alle unsere europäischen Gästen garantieren. Sie verstehen es sich den Gästen anzupassen und neue Wege zu erkunden die Gästezufriedenheit und -b zu verbessern. Ihr Wissen über den Flughafenbetrieb und die Fähigkeit mit einer Vielzahl von Situationen in einem belebten aber spannendem Umfeld umzugehen, wird dafür sorgen dass wir weltweit die Nummer eins bleiben.

Als Mitglied eines internationalen Teams werden Sie zusammen mit Kollegen und Dienstleister aus allen europäischen Ländern arbeiten, um unsere Dienstleistungen zu liefern. Ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeit sowie Ihr respektvoller Umgang mit Gästen und Kollegen, unterstützt Sie dabei schwierige Situationen proaktiv und souverän zum Guten zu wenden. Bei allfälligen Flugverspätungen und Streiks, sorgen Sie für die Aufrechterhaltung einer positiven Kundenerfahrung.

Dank Ihrer Zielstrebigkeit sind sie gewillt alle Flughafenbezogenen Vertriebs- und Serviceziele zu übertreffen. Mit Ihrer flexiblen Arbeitseinstellung werden Sie den Flughafenbetrieb unterstützen und dabei die beste Kundenerfahrung gewährleisten. Zu Ihren Hauptaufgaben gehören auch Administration und Berichterstattungen.

Ihr Anforderungsprofil:

• Fließendes Deutsch und Englisch – andere Sprachen von Vorteil, kein muss Kriterium

  • Eine Kundenorientierte und positive Dienstleistungspersönlichkeit

• Selbstbewusste und freundliche Persönlichkeit mit einer starken Zielorientierung

• Bereit zu jeder Zeit mit Kunden und Kollegen unterschiedlicher Nationalitäten zu arbeiten

• Sehr flexibel und anpassungsfähig; in der Lage die ständig wechselnden Aufgaben und Arbeitszeiten im Einklang mit den Geschäftsanforderungen zu bewältigen

• Fähig alleine oder im Team zu arbeiten und bei einem 24/7 betrieb immer auf die eigene Arbeitsethik zurückgreifen zu können


Wenn Sie sich für diese Stelle interessieren, können Sie sich hier bewerben: Reiseleiter Flughafen Dienst. Dazu müssen Sie sich zuerst einloggen, Ihre persönlichen Daten eingeben, auf vier einfache Fragen antworten und Ihren Lebenslauf hochladen.

Falls wir Interesse an Ihnen finden, werden Sie von unserer Personalabteilung direkt kontaktiert um ein Video-Interview zu vereinbaren. Im Anschluss daran werden Sie darüber informiert, ob Sie zum Recruitment Day eingeladen werden.


TUI Reiseleiter Dienst, TUI Griechenland

Lage: Kreta, Rhodos, Kos, Korfu, Kefalonien, Zakynthos

Geschäftssektor: TUI Destination Services

Berichtet an: Team Leader oder Team Manager

Vertragsbedingungen: Griechischer Vertrag mit fester Laufzeit

Für die TUI suchen wir ab eine TUI Reiseleiter für die Sommersaison 2016. Ihre Aufgaben – damit zaubern Sie Kunden ein Lächeln auf’s Gesicht. Diese Position ist ein Griechisch lokalen Vertrag und Ihre eigene Unterkunft und Transport gegeben werden sollten. Mit Ihrer Persönlichkeit, Professionalität und persönlichen Service werden Sie als Reiseleiter unvergessliche Urlaubserlebnisse für all unsere europäischen Gäste schaffen. Sie werden lernen, mit den Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen, die Bedürfnisse unsere Gäste zu verstehen und die bestmögliche Kundenzufriedenheit und -bindung zu erreichen. Ihre Erfahrung wird Ihnen dabei helfen die Fragen unserer internationalen Kollegen und Gäste professionell zu beantworten.

TUI ist Europas führender Touristikkonzern, der immer wieder Impulse für die gesamte Branche setzt. Unsere Marken umfassen das gesamte Spektrum an Dienstleistungen rund um Urlaub und Reise. Dazu gehören eine eigene Airline, Reisebüros, Hotels & Resorts, Kreuzfahrtschiffe und vieles mehr. Wir bieten Urlaub aus einer Hand, um für unsere Kunden durchgängig hohe Qualität zu schaffen

Ihr Aufgabengebiet:

Mit Ihrer Persönlichkeit, Professionalität und persönlichen Service werden Sie als Reiseleiter unvergessliche Urlaubserlebnisse für all unsere europäischen Gäste schaffen. Sie werden lernen, mit den Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen, die Bedürfnisse unsere Gäste zu verstehen und die bestmögliche Kundenzufriedenheit und -bindung zu erreichen. Ihre Erfahrung wird Ihnen dabei helfen die Fragen unserer internationalen Kollegen und Gäste professionell zu beantworten.

Modernste Technologie steht Ihnen zur Verfügung um zugeschnittene Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu verkaufen sowie Ihre Gäste optimal zu beraten. Ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeit sowie Ihr respektvoller Umgang mit Gästen und Kollegen, unterstützt Sie dabei schwierige Situationen proaktiv und souverän zum Guten zu wenden.

Sie lieben Veränderungen sowie neue Herausforderungen und sind jederzeit bereit auch bei allfälligen internationalen Zwischenfällen/Notfällen unsere Gäste Tag und Nacht zu unterstützen. Ihr Wunsch die Vertriebs- und Service-Ziele zu erreichen, bringt Sie dazu sich selbst zu übertreffen. Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehört auch die Begleitung von Ausflügen sowie die wöchentliche Abrechnung und Abstimmung gemäss den TUI Destination Services Richtlinien.

Ihr Anforderungsprofil:

  • Sehr gute Deutsch und Englisch Kenntnisse, jede weitere Sprache ist von Vorteil
  • Positive Persönlichkeit mit einem ausgeprägten Sinn für kundenorientierten Service
  • Selbstbewusstsein sowie grosses Engagement zur Erreichung vorgegebener Ziele
  • Freude am Umgang mit internationalen Gäste und Kollegen
  • Starke Kommunikations- und Präsentationsfähigkeiten
  • Mit Leidenschaft zur Touristik und Potenzial sich professionell zu entwickeln
  • Fähigkeit effizient zu priorisieren und konsequent zu handeln
  • Grosse Flexibilität, sowie Bereitschaft Veränderungen zu begleiten und offen für neue Technologien
  • In der Lage selbstständig oder in einem Team zu arbeiten


Wenn Sie sich für diese Stelle interessieren, können Sie sich hier bewerben: Reiseleiter Dienst

Dazu müssen Sie sich zuerst einloggen, Ihre persönlichen Daten eingeben, auf vier einfache Fragen antworten und Ihren Lebenslauf hochladen.

Falls wir Interesse an Ihnen finden, werden Sie von unserer Personalabteilung direkt kontaktiert um ein Video-Interview zu vereinbaren. Im Anschluss daran werden Sie darüber informiert, ob Sie zum Recruitment Day eingeladen werden.


Η “ΚΡΕΜΑΛΗΣ-Δικηγορική Εταιρεία” (www.kremalis.gr) προσφέρει δυνατότητες συστέγασης και συνεργασίας με Δικηγόρους που έχουν εμπειρία στο Εργατικό και Διοικητικό Δίκαιο.Επιθυμητά προσόντα: άριστη γνώση αγγλικής γλώσσας,πολύ καλή γνώση γερμανικώνκαι μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές. Αποστολή βιογραφικών στο email:info@kremalis.gr.


Το Ξενοδοχείο MITSIS RODOS MARIS ζητά να προσλάβει για την ερχόμενη τουριστική σαιζόν και ειδικότερα από μέσα Απριλίου, γερμανόφωνο προσωπικό σε θέσεις RECEPTION, GUEST RELATION, RESTAURANT HOSTESS, BAR LADY κλπ. Αποστολή βιογραφικών στο tsiligiris@mitsishotels.com


EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations internationally.

We currently have a vacancy for an R&D Consultant, to offer his/her services as an expert based in Athens, Greece.


Management of R&D projects, organisation of new R&D initiatives, technical writing skills.

The ideal candidate will help in various stages of proposals preparation and projects implementation and gain experience on this process. S/he will follow the evolution of new technologies and identify new concepts and deepen knowledge in new technological and application areas.


  • Bachelor in IT, software engineering or related domains;
  • PhD / MSc in IT or related fields would be preferred;
  • Experience in areas such as e-government, e-business, e-health, e-inclusion, security, knowledge management, Semantics, Social Computing, Cloud Computing Applications and any emerging technological application domain in the ICT sector, will be appreciated;
  • Excellent communication skills, excellent English, ability to negotiate and cooperate with international partners.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career at a European / International level, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference:(ref: RDC/11/15) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer a competitive remuneration package, based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.


Who are we?

LALIZAS is a company that manufactures marine equipment with a commercial presence in 130 countries. We hold a leading position in the European and International Marine market with over 40 years of experience and expertise in life saving equipment.

Our vision is to produce high quality products and distribute them in international markets through our well‐established distribution network. This vision, along with the care for the customers and the indispensable input of the employees, have resulted to the company’s growth and will continue to contribute positively in our continuous development.

Why join LALIZAS?

LALIZAS considers its people as the most valuable asset for its strategic planning, policies, values and vision. Therefore invests in them at all organization levels and constantly aims to further development. By setting high selection standards and especially by emphasizing on the approach, the recruitment and the development of executives with expertise and will, LALIZAS provides a career path full of challenges and professional goals.

Therefore, if you wish to join this fast- growing and dynamic team, now is your chance to apply for our “German Sales Executive” job opening.

What you will be doing:

  • Support the existing B2B network & develop it
  • Seek out new business development opportunities
  • Communicate with customers / partners
  • Attend exhibitions representing the company
  • Create reports and sales analysis
  • Analyse sales trends, market dynamics and report to determine business growth potential

 Core competencies of the ideal candidate:

  • German speaker
  • University degree, ideally in business or technical field
  • Preferably 1-2 years of experience in a sales position
  • Excellent command of the English language
  • Very good knowledge of MS Excel
  • Ability to travel according to the business needs
  • Car driving license
  • Organizational and communication skills

 What’s in it for you?

  • Opportunity to be part of an innovative and growing company
  • Continuous training and development
  • Competitive remuneration package
  • Friendly working environment

If you think you are a good fit for this role and you want to discover your new career path, we will be glad to meet you! Email:career@lalizas.com


EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations internationally.

We currently have a vacancy for an R&D Project Manager, to offer his/her services as an expert based in Athens, Greece.


Management of R&D projects and staff, organisation of new R&D initiatives, technical writing skills.

The ideal candidate will build R&D consortiums, coordinate writing proposals and manage R&D projects. He will follow the evolution of new technologies and identify new concepts.


  • PhD / MSc in IT or related fields with minimum 3 year of experience in R&D projects in the field of software and IT;
  • Experience in areas such as e-government, e-business, e-health, e-inclusion, security, knowledge management, Semantics, Social Computing, Cloud Computing Applications and any emerging technological application domain in the ICT sector, will be appreciated;
  • Experience in writing proposals for national and EU funded programs;
  • Minimum 3 years of experience inproject management of national and EU funded programs;
  • Excellent communication skills, excellent English, ability to negotiate and cooperate with international partners.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference:(ref: RDPM/11/15) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer a competitive remuneration package, based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.



(ref: ITC_HAO/11/15) Athens, Greece

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations internationally.

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS wishes to employ an IT Helpdesk Administration Officer fluent in English and with good exposure in Internet Technologies, to work at the company’s premises in Athens, on a full-time basis. The successful candidate will join the Helpdesk Administration team and become responsible for supporting and training end-users of software systems developed by the firm. Upon hiring, the successful candidate will undergo an internal training program, in order to become familiar with the Helpdesk operation and supported systems, following which s/he will gradually be integrated with the daily activities of the Helpdesk Administration team.

Mandatory Requirements:

  • University degree in IT, or related field;
  • Good knowledge of MS-Office tools;
  • Good communication and presentation skills;
  • Team spirit, initiative, can do attitude;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English;
  • Good knowledge of another EU language (French, German, Polish, Swedish).

Desired Qualifications:

  • Experience as user support officer or helpdesk operator, for Internet applications;
  • Experience in the testing of web applications and/ or in the delivery of user trainings.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference:(ref: ITC_HAO/11/15) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer a competitive remuneration package, based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is an equal opportunity employer and applies an Equal Opportunities Policy (EOP). This policy covers all aspects of employment, from advertising of vacancies, selection, recruitment and training to working conditions and reasons for termination of employment

You may also consider all our other open requests by visiting the career section of our web site (www.eurodyn.com).



Athens, Greece

To work in the fields of document / record management and e-collaboration.

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations internationally.

We currently have vacancy positions for JAVA SOFTWARE DEVELOPER to join our expanding development teams in Athens.


  • Development of Java-based solutions in the areas of document management, record management and e-collaboration;
  • Analysis of requirements, construction and unit testing of developments;
  • Troubleshooting systems in production;
  • Elaboration of technical documentation.


  • University degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering;
  • Strong analytical skills, team- and quality-oriented, keen to learn and excel;
  • Minimum two years working experience with Java;
  • Experience in JSE/JEE, JSP, HTML 4/5, XML;
  • Familiar with the principles of test-driven development;
  • Experience with any of the following is considered an asset: UML, Workflows, Relational Databases, Java Application Servers, UNIX/Linux, source code control (e.g. SVN), Eclipse, continuous integration, unit testing frameworks (e.g. JUnit);
  • Ability to work in English;
  • Knowledge of French or German will be considered an asset.

Our offer: If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (ref: JSD/10/15) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer a competitive remuneration (either on contract basis or remuneration with full benefits package), based on qualifications and experience. All applications will be treated as confidential. You may also consider all our other open vacancies by visiting the career section of our web site (www.eurodyn.com) and follow us on Twitter (@EURODYN_Careers).



(ref: BMITEC/10/15), Athens, Greece

Main focus: international business development and pre-sales.

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Helsinki, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations internationally.

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (ED) wishes to employ a BID MANAGER IT ENGINEER / CONSULTANT, to provide his/her services in the company’s offices in Athens. The candidate will participate in the company’s business and marketing actions in various international markets and the preparation of high quality technical offers.

The ideal candidate will, among other things:

  • Master the area of IT services, e-government in particular, and understand the business of the company (www.eurodyn.com);
  • Understand completely the requirements of ED’s clients (mainly government and public sector organizations in Europe and internationally);
  • Assist the development of relations with customers and partnerships with other companies internationally;
  • Assess business opportunities internationally;
  • Assist in the preparation of technical bids (coordination of internal staff);
  • Prepare technical documents, tenders and marketing material;
  • Visit customers and make presentations;
  • Support the company’s profitability targets and measures.

Educational Requirements:

  • University Degree in IT / Computer Science or Engineering;
  • Post-graduate degree PhD/MSc in IT / Computer Science or related area.

Experience Requirements:

  • At least one year of experience in IT;
  • Solid background in IT (ideally also in e-government) and very good knowledge of the state of the art in IT;
  • Very good technical writing skills;
  • Knowledge of the government sector and European / international organizations will be appreciated.

Linguistic Requirements:

  • Fluency in English is compulsory;
  • Good knowledge of French and/or German or other EU languages will be highly appreciated.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (ref: BMITEC/10/15) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer an extremely competitive remuneration and benefits package, based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also want to consider other open requests on our web site (www.eurodyn.com)


IT CONSULTANT (ref: ITC/10/15) Athens, Greece

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Helsinki, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using state-of-the-art technology. Our current ICT projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government administrations internationally.

We currently have a vacancy for an IT CONSULTANT, to offer his/her services as an expert in various international projects of the company.

Key responsibilities

  • Meeting with clients to determine requirements and define the scope of a project;
  • Designing and installing IT systems;
  • Writing reports and documentation;
  • Analysing and compiling information;
  • Preparing documentation;
  • Troubleshooting, incident and problem analysis, software testing;
  • Trainings and sales support.

Minimum qualifications

  • University degree in IT or related subject;
  • Good understanding of IT;
  • Excellent English language skills oral and written;
  • At least two years of experience or post-graduate studies;
  • Client focused;
  • Good communication skills;
  • Analytical and good problem-solving skills;
  • Ability to prioritize tasks and time-management skills, ability to work across various projects;
  • Teamwork – team player.

Desirable qualifications

  • Involvement in e-government projects;
  • Knowledge of UML, programming languages and databases;
  • Knowledge of other European languages will be an asset.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (ref: ITC/10/15) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer an extremely competitive remuneration and benefits package, based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.

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